Today I am looking at Sleeping Beauty Princess by Baby the Stars Shine Bright. This series includes 2 dresses, a skirt, blouses, a hair comb, a head bow and socks. There is another BABY Sleeping Beauty series, which doesn't have a print but has some amazing floral accessories worth checking out. Today though, I shall be focusing on the print series.
This is the Rose JSK. The bodice looks reasonably well fitted and is a nice shape. The straps are a good with and suit the style of dress. The gold lace lining the outer edges makes them look a bit more interesting. I am not a fan of the waist bow though. It has a nice shape and sits well on the dress, but even with the use of gold lace it looks too plain and ordinary compared with the rest of the dress. It's a bit too simple and I think a more elaborate design would be an improvement here. Thankfully, it is detachable.

I like the use of gold lace to give a panelled effect. The pleated area adds texture, to stop the area looking too flat. The gold rose buttons are a nice touch and fits in well with the other bodice details. I am a little unsure about the two lines of gold pleat though. Visually, I think they look okay but I wonder if the lower gold pleat will sit awkwardly on the bust area of some wearers. I personally don't think the dress design would suffer if the lower gold pleat wasn't there at all. I think the top gold pleat along the neckline does work well though, and is an interesting finishing touch. The neckline is topped with a golden rose corsage, which I think is very pretty.
The back has a panel of shirring, which is concealed neatly by a gold ribbon corset. The skirt has a lovely, subtle bell shape to it. It flares out well and looks as though it will hold a decent amount of petticoat. The skirt is kept simple and so, the print is displayed well. The bottom hem is then finished off with a line of gold lace and underneath, a simple ruffle. I'm not too fussed about the ruffle and I am surprised BABY didn't use a pleat here to match the bodice. But the ruffle doesn't look that bad.
This is the Aurora JSK. The bodice is very well fitted and an interesting shape. The straps are quite wide but match up quite well with the dress design. However, I am not a fan of the scoop neckline. I feel the neckline scoops too far down and if it finished a bit higher it would look a lot better. But I suppose it is a good excuse to bring out a blouse with an interesting jabot or quirky neckline!

The waist bow is a bit too big for my liking, but apart from that I think it looks better than the waist bow on the other JSK. The shape and gathering is nicer on this bow. However, I really feel this dress looks a lot better with the waist bow detached. The waist bow clutters up the bodice and I am glad it is detachable. The bodice has a ribbon corset on the front, using soft gold ribbon. It looks a bit cluttered and bunched together but when you detach the waist bow I think it looks a whole lot better. The lace used on the bodice is beautiful and has a lot of detail to it. It looks quite luxurious, especially teamed with the gold. The use of gold and lace along the neckline is great too. It sits very well and has been done neatly.
The skirt has a nice, subtle bell shape to it. It looks like it will flare out quite well and hold a decent amount of petticoat. The skirt is not cluttered with detail, so the print is displayed very well. The bottom hem is finished off with a line of gold lace and a simple ruffle. It finished off the dress simply, but looks pretty and neat.

And here we have part of the print close up. This series is available in ivory, pink, lavender, navy and black. I like how the print stands out against the black and navy versions. The print is not so bold on the other colours, yet for some reason I still quite like the lavender version. I never really noticed it until I got Day Dream Carnival recently, but lavender and gold is a very interesting colour combination. I hope to see more of it! It's just a shame that the print isn't bolder on that colour version this time around. As for the print itself, it is very beautiful. I love the use of gold or silver instead of using multiple colours. The effect is simple and yet stunning. I love the castle and the roses. They have both been drawn very well. The writing in the print also blends in quite well and doesn't stand out too much. Everything in the print compliments each other and the end result is wonderful.
I do think this is a very good series. I would maybe make a few minor adjustments here and there, but overall I think the designs are strong. It is a shame that the print looks washed out on some of the colour ways, but maybe it will look better in real life (BABY's stock photos are known for not being that great!). Would I buy from this series? Possibly. It's hard to choose a JSK, but I think I would go for the Rose JSK in lavender. I could see this series having a lot of potential. I can imagine it looking lovely as part of a decadent OTT classic outfit with the right styling. I will be keeping an eye out for some lovely lolita outfits with this print!