Oh dear, Metamorphose... I have always said you deserve more love. Then you go and throw a total curve ball! Military Series D Walkure has been grabbing a lot of attention. I noticed a bit of debating going on with the EGL Community about whether it looks like a nazi uniform or not. Since then I have heard stories that Meta were going to pull this series (but the pictures are still on the Japanese website).
Here is part of the series-

The only item I would be very wary of buying is this hat.

I think people may have been a little too sensitive about this but then, nazis are a highly sensitive subject. I wont be looking to buy anything from this series but if I saw somebody wearing just one item from the series instead of a complete set I wouldn't bat an eyelid. Even if the eagle was removed I would probably still hate this set because I don't think it looks that appealing. It looks quite flimsy. When I look at military style I look for sharp lines and sturdy, firm pieces. I find this series bland.
I was considering buying a Metamorphose lucky pack at the end of the year. If I was to get this series in it, I would be really disappointed. It has really put me off buying a Meta one now. It looks like I shall be buying a Baby the Stars Shine Bright one instead.
I pretty much agree with you on this.
ReplyDeleteI think it is ugly, but looks more Russian inspired than Nazi.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who is going play soldiers has to be aware of the emotions that still run deep in some circles.
ReplyDeleteI'm very proud to say that I'm going to buy that hat. I love military & lolita mixed together.
ReplyDelete(I've been lolita for 7 years so I'm not just a random ita.)
I won't start to tell you all the good stuff nazis made during the WW II, you can google it yourself. It's true that their methods were cruel and horrible but the world wouldn't be the same if Hitler had never been born.
THey're crazy for doing that. Japan was on the german side in WWII, but the ammount of lives lost in the war and the horror .. I think this is really bad! Meta is being inappropiate(sp?)
ReplyDeleteOh no! xD
ReplyDeleteIf you would wear this in Germany (where I live) the police yould stop only to stare but take your to their office! >.<
(Your Blog is cool!)
Thats bullshit there is no nazi emblem on it so nobody will arrest you for wearing that. Why do people always make a drama of uniforms. Nobody will look at you the nazi way when you run around in that but more the crazy wtf look at that freak girl way. The uniform doesn't look german at ..green???!! The only thing they copied is the "Wehrmachtsadler" the eagle but exchanged the swastika with some crazy shit. Btw the german uniform always had awesome designs. Its fashion people and the biggest point of all YES the japanese dont understand the swastika problem but they are not stigmatized like europe and the usa when it comes to ww2 related stuff like.... uniforms and other random shit. Yes im german and I hate all that fuss about nazi shit. It's also pretty useless when 16 year old girls argue about that I mean they probably dont even know a thing about the WW2.