Today I am reviewing Creamy Quartet and Usakumya has made another appearance. This set seems to have 2 dresses, a skirt, a headbow and a bonnet. The items are viewable on the reserves page.
Something that struck me whilst looking at the close-ups is the fabric doesn't look very soft. In some pictures it looks a bit cheap and like it has a strange feel to it. Also, in some places the print looks as though it has faded in the wash. I know this is meant to be a soft whimsical print but some of the print details fade into the background a lot.

So first up is the Judy JSK. This dress has a very interesting detail on the front. The bow can be removed and underneath there is a heart shaped piece of fabric. The heart can also be removed. So you can get three looks. I think this looks better with the bow on top but the heart shape does look cute. I do not like it when the heart is totally removed. It is slightly too low cut for my liking so you will need a pretty blouse to match this because a large patch of your blouse will be on show. The lace has cute strawberries running along it. Strawberries are one of my favourite items on clothing. I want to see more pieces which use this lace please! The rest of the dress has been left simple. I guess the multiple bodice choices are the main feature here.

Then we have the Sophie JSK. This one has more shirring in it. There are less details on the bodice. What you see in the photo is what you get. It doesn't look as though this dress has the strawberry lace on it which for me is a bit of a let down. It has been replaced with heart shaped lace and I think the strawberries look so much better. But my main dislike here is the straps. They appear to have taken on the appearance of rectangle headdresses and I don't think it works. It looks like you can undo the straps if you need to. I would be tempted to tuck these inside the dress and wear this strapless. I don't think this JSK works as well as the Judy one.
Here is half of the print close up-

And the other half with Usakumya on it-

My favourite is the blue bear blowing the trumpet but it sticks out a bit in the print. You have all this pink, cream and red, and then you have this tiny patch of blue sticking out. It looks out of place. They should have made one of the other animals blue too so it fits the colour scheme more. This set can be purchased in a blue colourway which will probably even this problem out a little.
I didn't include a picture of the headbow because I feel it is pointless. It looks so similar to a lot of other headbows that I don't see the point of buying this one. It would be so easy to find another bow that matches. If you already have a bow with strawberries on it, check to see if it matches this set before purchasing the bow. I know some people like to have the whole set head to toe but this bow is nothing special. The bonnet is a bit more creative and even comes with a pom pom to imitate that rabbit tail look.
And finally, there was an announcement about a Usakumya hand puppet.

It looks really sweet. This is a must-have item if you are a fan of Usakumya. It is purely a novelty item but I can imagine a sweet lolita walking around with this on her hand. This puppet may not be as practical but I would choose this over the Usakumya bags.
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