Thursday, 7 April 2016

Recent Outfits

I thought today would be a good chance to have a bit of a catch up with some of my most recent outfits that I haven't showcased on my blog. Although I am generally quite good at writing about my mini catch ups with my lolita friends on here, I don't think people realise that I do wear lolita a lot more frequently, even if I am just lazing about the house! I try to post my outfits to Tumblr, but my Tumblr is quite small and modest and to be honest, I have never quite gotten the hang of posting at the optimum time and tagging efficiently. I need to get back in the habit of posting on LaceBook as well. There are so many different places you can share things now, it is hard to keep on top of it all!

So I thought that first I would share a few outfits from when I have just been at home or doing small, boring errands. This outfit was one I was actually meant to be wearing on one of my meets with Sammi and Shalisa, but unfortunately Shalisa was sick. I was really eager to wear this outfit though, so I got dressed up anyway! Ever since I first got hold of Meta's Nostalgic Chess, I have always wanted to do an outfit that involved pinstripes somehow. If you look at the trim on the dress, you will notice that the dress does in fact have pinstripes on it. I recently managed to obtain the blouse that came out with this series, so I knew I had to get it! I felt the pinstripes needed some balancing out though, so I looked online and found some pinstripe tights to match. Although the pinstripes are not the same width, I still quite like how it turned out. I ended up adding red to this outfit because when I initially tried it without red, it felt a bit too bland. I think the red helped to pull the outfit together.

I was having a bit of a "princessy" moment with this next outfit! Although I wrote a post late last year about how I wasn't so fond of wearing OTT lolita any more, there are still times when I feel like dressing up a bit more. I am glad I was at least able to get a few photos of this outfit, because not long after this photo was taken, my hair style decided to completely collapse! I wore a similar hair style to Regalia last year, but I was using a different hair tool which doesn't have the strap of elastic going over the top of my head, which meant that there was less support to hold my hair up. It really does suck having thick, heavy hair that refuses to stay put sometimes! There was no real theme or plan behind this outfit. I just really wanted to look like a princess for the day. Fancy Egg is actually one of the dresses in my wardrobe that I seem to struggle to co-ordinate, so I was glad this outfit was not a total disaster.

Next up is Cinderella Jewellery. This dress had been hiding in the back of my wardrobe for the longest time and I felt it was time it got some much needed wear time. I am not really sure why I decided to wear the tricorn... I just sort of ended up putting it on my head and quite liked it. It gives the outfit a very slight pirate vibe, which I like. I have always wanted to wear pirate lolita and I think this is the closest I have gotten to being a pirate so far. Maybe this is a goal I need to work on in the future.

And finally, I will give you all a look at what I ended up doing on Saturday with Sammi and Shalisa. It was a lovely, sunny day so it was time to break out yet another strawberry print! I got Chained Berry Memoir around about the same time I got AP's Strawberry Ribbon, but I didn't want to wear them one after the other, so I ended up waiting a few months to wear this outfit. This is pretty much my go-to style when I am wearing strawberries, but I did make a few subtle changes. I wore the berry wrist cuffs Shalisa kindly got me for Christmas and a few weeks ago I discovered an old Bodyline strawberry keychain that had been hiding away in one of my drawers for ages. I decided that as I had made this discovery, it was some sign that I should include it, so it ended up getting attached to my bag.

It was also my first time wearing the strawberry hat I got from Infanta. It still bugs me that the strawberries don't always stay in place, but it is still quite a cute hat and I don't regret getting it. 

After going to our regular hang out for food, we headed to the Oracle riverside to head to the Reading branch of Slug and Lettuce. By some curious twist of fate, we all ended up wearing berry prints! We did think about going to the Purple Turtle, but after seeing the Slug wasn't actually that fully packed, we ended up at the Slug instead. Although the cocktails are 20p dearer here than the Oxford branch, I think we all ended up agreeing that the Reading branch was really good. So chances are, we will be back again! The staff were really lovely too and we were not really bothered by anybody, which is a massive bonus. The lovely Christopher even complimented our hats!

I tried a Dune Bug cocktail for the first time. It is rum based with midori in it. I have previously avoided it because it contains Creme de Banane (I don't like bananas!) but in the end, the staff were happy to make it with this ingredient omitted, which made me so happy. I was so glad I went for it because it had a lovely, fruity taste to it. And it just goes to show that sometimes if you want something, all you have to do is ask.

So I hope you all enjoyed my mini outfit round-up. Hopefully soon I will be able to get a bit more on top of sharing my outfits. It was great to see Sammi and Shalisa too. I always have a fantastic time when I see them.


  1. I love all your outfits in this post. You've got an amazingly versatile style :)

  2. As you already know, I love that first outfit so much! What you did with the stripes/monochrome is perfect. It makes the red really pop!

    1. That is by far my favourite of my more recent outfits! I am so glad I was finally able to find the items I wanted for it.
