Monday, 4 April 2016

Happy Balloon by Metamorphose

Today I am taking a look at Happy Balloon by Metamorphose. This series includes 3 dresses, 2 skirts, a head bow and tights.

First up is the Sailor JSK. The bodice looks well fitted and the overall shape of the bodice is really interesting. What I am fascinated the most by about this dress is the sailor collar, which is in fact detachable. Meta are usually really great at doing sailor details, and this dress is no exception. The sailor collar is a cute shape and lined neatly with lace. I like the stripy bow too, here in the photo used to finish off the collar. This stripy bow is also detachable, so you can use it any way you want. The brooch in the centre of the bow looks a bit tacky though, if I am being honest. The only thing I would change about the sailor collar is the use of rik-rak, as I am not a fan of this trim. I would have used a thin line of ribbon in place of this. When you detach the collar, the straps underneath are a supportive looking width. I personally think the dress looks a bit boring with the sailor collar detached, but it does help to tone down the OTT feel of the bodice if you do detach it. The bodice also features 2 lines of vertical lace and a line of buttons in the centre. I think thinner lines of lace would have looked tidier. Although the button design is kept simple, they still look quite cute and they are fairly well spaced out. The back is fully shirred, which means there is plenty of size flexibility, but also means the shirring is exposed and is not too attractive to look at. I also think the back looks a bit bizarre when the sailor collar is attached, because it looks weird teamed with the low dress back. The stock photos show that the skirt is generous in volume and it flares out far more than is needed. There is more than enough room for petticoat and the potential to create a really full shape. The skirt is kept simple in design, so the print is displayed perfectly. The bottom hem is then finished off neatly with a line of rik-rak just before the bottom hem and then some swan themed lace. I am glad that Meta are starting to get a bit more creative with their lace choices, although I don't feel the swan lace really fits in with the theme of the dress. There are also some shiny ribbon bows along the bottom hem, but they look so lifeless and I wouldn't have bothered with them.

This is the Puff Sleeve OP. The bodice material looks a bit loose and puckered in some of the stock photos and I am a little unsure I like the bodice shape. I think the style of sleeve teamed with the neckline shape gives it a bit of a frumpy feel. The sleeves could have probably done with being a bit shorter and maybe even a bit puffier. The lace used on the sleeves and inside the neckline is cute though. There is a waist bow, done using very pretty ribbon again. Both the ribbons used for the bow are quite shiny, but I think I can forgive that because it has a lovely design to it. This waist bow again features the brooch in the middle, which I am not fond of. As well as the waist bow itself, this brooch in the middle does seem to be detachable, which I am thankful for. The bodice features a row of buttons and several lines of lace, which are set out quite neatly. There are 2 shiny ribbon bows with star charms attached to the neckline which are a cute shape. However, I wouldn't have bothered putting bows here at all, as I think the placement of them looks awkward. There is enough details on the bodice without them. Fortunately, these bows are also detachable, which I would do if I had this dress. The back is fully shirred which again means a not so attractive looking back, but plenty of stretch. The stock photos show that the skirt is very full and it flares outwards well. There is more than enough volume and I love the shape that has been created in the stock photos. The skirt is again kept simple, so the print is displayed excellently. The bottom hem is then finished off neatly with the same rik-rak and lace as the Sailor Jsk. This time they didn't bother with the poor saggy bows though, which is a bonus.

Here we have the Lace Up JSK. The bodice seems well fitted, although the overall bodice shape is perhaps a bit simple. The straps look a very supportive width, although they are a bit crowded with all the details. There is lace lining both the insides and outsides of the straps, which is okay, but perhaps the lace could have been a little more narrow to make the straps look less bulky. The straps are also topped with rik-rak and there are ribbon bows at the bases of the straps, which I personally think looks too much. The cluttered appearance that the bodice has is not helped by the absolutely ginormous waist bow, That waist bow is far too big and the use of lace and rik-rak only emphasises how big it is. Surprisingly for such a large bow, it holds its shape quite well. The waist bow also features the same brooch (not pictured, but you can see it on the other dress photos above). Thankfully, this waist bow is detachable! It is a shame, because I feel like the dress is missing something with the waist bow detached, but I hate the waist bow so much. The bodice features a gathered panel which is topped with a ribbon corset and then lined with lace on either side. The gathering looks very messy in my opinion, and I am also not sure I like the ribbon used in this way. I can't put my finger on it, but something about the ribbon just doesn't look right to me. The back has a panel of shirring. which is topped neatly with a ribbon corset (why is it always my least favourite dress that has the nice back?). The stock photos show that the skirt has plenty of volume and it flares outwards well. I love the full, slightly rounded shape in the stock photos. The skirt is once again kept simple in design, so the print is displayed brilliantly. The bottom hem is then finished off neatly with a line of swan lace, and some ribbon bows which are a bit better placed and shaped compared to the bows on the bottom of the Sailor Jsk. Such a shame that I hate the bodice...

Finally, this is the print. This series comes in cream, navy and blue. Given the theme of the print, these colour choices are pretty obvious ones to go for. Maybe Meta could have been a bit more adventurous, but at least all 3 colours look amazing with the print. As for the print itself, it is a very cute idea. Seeing as ducks are my favourite animal, I think it is safe to say I approve of the ducky balloon! All of the balloons are colourful and are drawn quite nicely. I feel Meta could have mixed things up a bit more though with the positioning of the balloons. It feels like all the balloons are clumped together in a straight line with little variation in height. Perhaps some of the balloons could have been higher or lower. Or maybe Meta could have made this an all-over print instead of a border print? I am not saying it looks bad, but it could have been better. I like the fluffy clouds in the background and the subtle use of a sky writer to add the Crown Label name in to the print. However, if I am completely honest, this print is too childish looking for me.

So overall, this series is very cute, although there are little tweaks I would make to each of the dress designs. The print is nice enough, but perhaps Meta have played it a little too safe. Would I buy this series? No, because I personally think the print and dress designs are a bit too cutesy. However, my top choice for a dress would still be the very cutesy looking Sailor JSK. As for the top colour, I would say they are all about even. Usually I would go for the navy blue, but I am quite liking the slightly lighter shade of blue. The cream looks quite good too. I am glad to see Meta are still including ducks in their prints though!


  1. When I first saw this print I thought you'd be all over it because of the duckies! I can understand why you find it too infantile, though. The print gives me a bit of a nursery wall decal vibe. Have you seen the frill skirt, though? It does away with the border print and looks really casual and pretty :)

    1. Nursery wall decal vibe is probably the perfect way to describe my feelings towards this print! I am content with March of the Duck for now, although I do sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable wearing that skirt, which is devastating. I love the frill skirt from this new series though! Now that is more like something I would wear!
