Thursday, 29 August 2013

Take a Theme- Mermaids

Today's Take a Theme is mermaids! If you didn't see my first Take a Theme post on birds it is available here-

Potential sub themes for mermaids- pearls, shells, billowing hair, sea creatures, treasure chests

Brand prints of note- Twinkle Mermaid, Aqua Princess and Mermaid Symphony (Angelic Pretty), Melty Mermaid Princess and Mermaid Jewellery Box (Alice and the Pirates), Emily Temple Cute Mermaid Print

I decided to mainly focus on jewellery this time with items from Etsy and Taobao. I think that despite the MUA nail kit being inspired by constellations, the colours of the beads for Pisces and the general look of the finished nails could fit in with a mermaid theme too. Sadly, the Topshop bag is no longer available but with a bit of searching you could probably find something similar or hope that it comes up for auction!