Monday, 26 August 2013

My Mate Kumya's Trick Or Treat by Baby the Stars Shine Bright

Today I am looking at a recent BABY reservation called My Mate Kumya's Trick or Treat. I suppose Halloween is not too far off! This series includes 2 dresses, a skirt, a cape, 2 blouses, socks and a generous number of hair accessories.

This is the Judy JSK. The bodice looks reasonably well-fitted and is an interesting shape. The straps are a good width for the dress and look very supportive. The waist bow is a good size and suits the dress. It looks quite perky and sits well on the dress. The bow edges are lined with pretty lace which matches up well with the lace used on the rest of the bodice.

I absolutely love the use of lace on the bodice. It has been done so neatly and sits well. The star themed lace is so cute and matches up brilliantly with the print. The star lace around the neckline especially seems to stand out. All the lace seems to be of a good quality as well. The front has a ribbon corset and the ribbon is spaced out well and looks very tidy. The edges of the ribbon corset are concealed neatly by the lace too. I love the star brooch attached to one side. I think it is really cute and matches well with the bodice. But if you don't like it then it is detachable.

The back has a panel of shirring which is concealed very neatly by a ribbon corset. The stock photos show that the skirt flares out well. The silhouette is nicely rounded too. The skirt is kept clutter free and so the print is displayed brilliantly. The bottom hem is then finished off with more cute star themed lace.

This is the Sophy JSK. The bodice looks like it may not be as well fitted. In a few of the photos the material looks a bit loose. I also think the bodice shape is not as good as the lines look a bit too straight. The straps are a decent width. I am unsure I like the scalloped edge, although it does tie in well with the scallop shapes on the bodice and also in the actual print. The scallops on the straps are at least a good shape and look decently constructed. I really dislike the waist bow on this dress. The overall shape of it is so peculiar and it is also a bit too big. It also looks like it could potentially be a bit floppy and droop a bit. Thankfully, it is detachable.

I wouldn't normally like scallops like this on the bodice but the lace really helps to tone them down, so they look a bit more subtle. The scallops are a good shape and nicely spaced out too. The wide lace looks to be of a good quality but in my opinion it isn't as interesting as the lace used on the other dress. The 3 bows along the neckline are cute, although I think I would have preferred to just have the middle bow by itself. I like the use of gold on the bows as it gives them a classier appearance. The dangling star on the middle bow is cute too and works well with the overall theme. 

The back has a panel of shirring which is also concealed by a ribbon corset. It is done neatly. The stock photos show the skirt can flare out well. The skirt has a nice bell shape to it, although I think I prefer the other JSK. The skirt is kept fairly simple and the print is displayed beautifully. The bottom hem is then finished off with a line of star printed tulle, which gives a nice soft finish.

And here we have part of the print close-up. This print is available in pink/lavender, red, brown and navy. For me, navy is by far the stand-out colour for this series. The colours on the navy version compliment each other well and the print stands out against the darker background really well. Whilst I like the pink/lavender version as well, I think the print blends in a bit when it doesn't have a deep background colour. The red is fairly nice but I am not keen on the brown version at all, as the colour combination does not appeal to me at all. So once again, Usakumya and friends are the main print feature. The familiar characters are drawn very well and look very cute. I especially like Usakumya and it's cute heart shaped wand. But I think my favourite part of the print is the random ghost mice (well, they look like mice...) floating about! I think they look totally adorable and I would like to see more of them! The clouds, moons and stars just add to the cuteness too. The houses look very cartoonish but I think that just works well with this very sweet print. It is nice to see BABY bringing out a Halloween print for sweet lolitas, as usually the focus is usually on the more gothic prints at this time of year.

I am a huge fan of the star shaped barrette that is part of this series. It matches so well with this series but I can think of other prints it could easily work with (BABY's Twinkle Constellation print comes to mind right away). The star shape and ribbon bow is cute but the BABY logo charm adds a touch of class. I love the little dangling star charm as well. Even if I brought nothing else from this series, I think I would really like to get this barrette!

So overall, I think this series is very adorable. I don't think it will be going on my wishlist but that doesn't mean I don't like it. The print is so cute and I love the matching accessories. If I was going to buy from this series I would go for the Judy JSK in navy. I think the design of the Judy JSK is much stronger and looks better overall. I really hope to get the star barrette at some point. I think this series deserves to do quite well.


  1. It's so wonderful!!! Makes me fall in love with Lolita again<3

  2. Replies
    1. I don't usually think much of the Usakumya prints but this one is very cute!

    2. Totally agree! I'd been waiting for both an Usakumya and Halloween print I really like and this hits both!!!

  3. this is one of my favourite prints that they've released in quite a long time, I had to reserve it! and I got your choice too (Judy JSK in navy!) and I'm really excited for it!!

    1. Thinking about it, I think this may be one of my favourite Baby prints in a while too! :D
