Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Twinkle Constellation and the Stars by BABY

Today I will be having a look at the new series from Baby. This series is called Twinkle Constellation and the Stars. Some of you may know that this is not the only upcoming star themed print. There will be more on that in the future, when more pictures of the other series (by Angelic Pretty) become available. Back to the Baby series- this series contains 2 dresses, a skirt, 2 blouses, socks, a head bow, combs, a necklace and a bracelet.

This is the JSK. The bodice looks a good shape and fairly well-fitted, although the material looked a teeny tiny little bit baggy in a few photos. The waist bow is a bit too large for my personal tastes. I think the bow was big enough already, without adding lace to the edges. The lace just seems to emphasise the size. However, the bow is a pretty shape and it doesn't appear too floppy. The waist bow is detachable, and I think the dress looks better with it removed.

 The yoke part has a lot of lace running along the edge. Whilst there is nothing wrong with the lace, I feel it is a little too dull in appearance for this dress. From a distance, the lace looks fluffy and frothy, and it looks like it suits the print. But when I look at it closer up, I am unsure about it. I am not expecting very decorative lace, but maybe something a little more cuter and maybe even a different lace colour? The photo also shows that the yoke material is very ruffled. I think this makes it look less flat and gives it more texture, so that is a positive.

There is a bow on the neckline. The material is very shiny, but it also has a soft and silky appearance. It stops the neckline looking too straight and boring. The straps are a bit thin and I would prefer them to be a tiny bit thicker. The back has a panel of shirring, which is concealed very well by a ribbon corset. The skirt has a wonderful bell shape to it, and I really like it. I think the shape is spot-on. It also looks like it will hold a lot of petticoat as well, if you wanted a more OTT look. I am also pleased that the skirt is free from clutter, so the print is displayed beautifully. The bottom hem is finished off with a ruffle and some flower shaped lace. Whilst the lace is cute, I don't think it compares to the OP lace (see below). But whilst I am unsure on the lace, I still think this is a really beautiful dress.

This is the OP. Whilst the bodice appears to have a nice shape and outline, I noticed that the material on the bodice seems to have creases on it. It is most noticeable underneath the bow on the neckline. However, I am hoping that this is just the stock photos and it doesn't look like that in real life. The waist bow is a bit big, but it doesn't seem to stick outwards as much as it does on the JSK and it looks less domineering. Only the bottom bits of this bow are lined with lace. The bow is a good shape, but it looks a little softer. The bodice does have a wide area which is plain, although the bows do counteract that a bit. I prefer the neck bow to the waist bow as the shape is more defined and it has angled edges. It compliments the neckline well. The sleeves are cute, but I would have liked them to be a bit puffier so they look more rounded. The sleeves have some sweet little ribbon bows, which makes them look more interesting. The back does not have any shirring. The skirt shape is a subtle bell, although I think the JSK skirt shape looks better. The OP looks a bit deflated in comparison. However, it still looks like it will flare out nicely and hold a fair amount of petticoat. The skirt has again been left clutter free, which is great.

And this is the lace along the bottom hem of the OP. I think it looks awesome! It suits the print well and also looks interesting. Dare I say, that it almost rivals AP? Now, why couldn't the JSK have some of this lace instead? 

And this is the print close-up. The print is available in off-white/off-white, pink/off-white, lemon yellow/off-white, sax blue/off-white and navy/ivory. That is a lot of off-white lace! Whilst I am a navy fan, I would be happy with any of the 5 colours on offer. But at the same time, I worry that the print will look a bit washed-out on the paler colours. The print is simply adorable. I am a huge star print fan anyway, so I am probably a bit biased! But I love all the flurries of stars at the bottom and running up the dress. In the background, you can even see some subtle constellations. As for inside the big stars, the constellations featured are mainly the cuter ones (but did anybody really expect them to do anything else?). I absolutely love the unicorn one, which represents Monoceros. The big stars are also decorated with cute bows. Quite honestly, there is not a single thing in the print which I dislike!

OH MY GOD- the jewellery! I really want it! The stars are so cutesy and almost look like candy. Even if I don't obtain this series for a while, I wouldn't mind getting this to go with my Dream Sky skirt. My only slight complaint is that I wish the pearls on the necklace went further up, so there was less of the chain. I still love it though!

So overall, I think this series is amazing. Despite not liking the lace as much, I think I would go for the JSK over the OP. I would probably choose the skirt over both dresses though! I really like the navy colour, but both the off-white and sax colours are nice too. So are the pink and lemon, but I like the other 3 a little more. The jewellery is also a must-have for me. Would I buy it? YES! I have already added several of the items from this series to my wishlist!


  1. I really love everything about this series. I even really like the lace on the JSK, secretly I wish more brands would use cluny lace.

    1. I love everything too. I just prefer the star shaped lace personally!

  2. I love anything stars! It's just so funny that a lot of companies are going big again with them and they do it around the same time xD And I agree, I LOVE that necklace! I need to learn how to make those stars - they're too cute!

    ~ Kieli ~

    1. Me too! It amused me when I found out AP and Baby were releasing constellation prints at the same time. I think the Baby series is better. I adore the necklace! I haven't checked recently, but I bet that has sold out. *sighs*

  3. I adore this print, especially in navy! And that necklace looks good enough to eat somehow...

  4. I love this print T///T I want the white jsk so badly.
