Friday, 25 May 2012

Sunglasses and Lolita?

Hooray! The sun has finally made a re-appearance here in the UK! After a dismal April, the temperatures are rising and the sky is cloud free. Of course, there are some downsides to the sun when you are as pale skinned as me and I have my parasol and sun cream at the ready. However, there is something else which I am really lacking at the moment- sunglasses. I have been making do with one pair of red Ray Ban style sunglasses for everyday wear, but with lolita? Well, I am a bit clueless.

Let's be honest, when you mention the words 'lolita' and 'sunglasses' together, chances are that most people will think of the heart shaped sunglasses. They are so cutesy and come in a variety of colours.

But heart shaped sunglasses are also associated with the 'other' kind of lolita. I am always reminded of this poster from the movie Lolita. Now quite frankly, I couldn't care less about the movie using these sunglasses. But what is really annoying is that whenever I try to search for lolita sunglasses, I am bombarded with the same heart shaped sunglasses over and over again! I actually do like the heart shaped sunglasses and I wouldn't mind owning a pair, but there has to be more styles out there that you could wear with lolita... surely? Most lolitas would probably wear the heart sunglasses with sweet lolita, but what if you were wearing a different style or just simply wanted something a little different?

I did think of going down the deco route. Kawaii lovers seem to decorate just about anything nowadays and it could easily liven up what could otherwise be a pair of very dull shades. Character shades have the potential to be cute too. The ones above are Hello Kitty inspired, which seem fairly popular. It would be interesting to see people make sunglasses for lots of different characters. 

Sweet seems fairly simple, but what about gothic? Well, this was a bit of a pit-fall! Beyond wearing dark shades, I couldn't think of very much! I did find these lace covered sunglasses. I think that actually, the lace ones would irritate me a bit. Seeing the lace pattern in front of my eyes would be annoying and so I think I will leave these ones to the Lady Gagas of the world.

And what about classic? I guess there are some cute floral frames out there. But there is so much more to classic than just florals. I would probably go for more gentle brown tinted shades in this situation.

Of course, not all sunglasses are equal...

So classy and elegant! People stare at me enough in the street already without me wearing a pair of boobs on my face! I wonder if anybody has ever ordered these?

So my adventure in to sunglasses has not gone very far and I don't feel like I have made a massive amount of progress. I will be trying to wear sunglasses regardless of whether they match or not, because I think my eyesight is more important than fashion. I just felt it would be lovely to have something matching (but at the same time, not majorly expensive). Maybe I will give in and get the heart glasses for sweet lolita, but as somebody who dabbles in more than one lolita style, I feel like there is a lack of variety. If anybody has any suggestions, then please let me know.


  1. For classic, I'd go for a cirle sunglasses a'la John Lennon. People used to wear them years ago so I think they're classic enough :P

    The lace ones would be unhealthy too, though, as they don't have UVA/UVB filtres and due to the darkness lace would make your retina would go wider, hence more radiation would penetrate your eyes. I know you wouldn't wear them anyway, it's just a clue for those who'd find them good.

    I'd like to own those boob sunglasses just for fun, but surely not for Lolita :D

  2. For Gothic there's always Victorian spectacles or rounded glasses would look gorgeous in a well co-ordinated outfit. Or even something Steampunk inspired!

    1. I did a quick search of your ideas and they look interesting! I might have to do some further digging. Thanks for the suggestions!

  3. Nice post, I've always wondered how to co-ordinate my sunglasses with my over all look.

    1. Thank you! :) It is something I started wondering about last Summer when I realised loads of the girls in my local group owned a pair of the heart shaped sunglasses! They do look cute though. I hope I will find more inspiration soon.

  4. I have always liked rayband like sunglasses and for this year I bought some new white and pastel flowered rayband-styled sunglasses from H&M, and I think they fit pretty good with lolita :D will post pictures of me wearing them with lolita some time next week :)

    1. Oh cool, I will keep an eye out for that then! :)
