Monday, 21 August 2017

Bonbon Bunny by Angelic Pretty

Today I am looking at Bonbon Bunny by Angelic Pretty. This series includes 2 dresses, a hair accessory, tights, a blouse and a cutsew.

First is the OP. The bodice seems well fitted and the shape is very cute. It looks as though the waistline is a little lower down as well, which I know some will be pleased about! The sleeves look a decent length. They have a slight bit of puffiness to them, which really suits the style of the dress. The cuffs are kept neat with a line of gold braid, lace and some gold heart shaped buttons. I think this is the perfect amount of detail. There is a waist bow, but to be honest I don't know why AP even bothered putting it on. It is so small in size. I also feel the use of ribbon and the simple shape make the bow too casual looking. I really wish it was detachable, as I think removing it would really improve the dress. The bodice has a square shaped yoke with a collar over the top. I am not a fan of the yoke shape. I think the square shape which gets slightly wider at the top looks odd and the line of lace underneath looks awkward. Perhaps a more rounded shape could have looked cute? I like how the yoke is pleated and has a line of heart buttons though. This makes it look a lot more interesting and gives it a bit of extra texture. The collar shape is super cute and a decent size. It would have been interesting to see how this dress would have looked with just the collar there. The collar is lined really neatly with a thin line of lace too. These bodice details are topped with 2 small ribbon bows. I think these bows look a more suitable size for their location in comparison to the waist bow. The back offers no shirring, so size flexibility is severely limited. Judging by the photos, it at least seems as though the zip line is very nicely concealed and the stripy print lines up along it well. The stock photos show that the skirt is plump with volume and it flares outwards plenty. It should hold plenty of petticoat. The skirt is kept simple in design, so the print is displayed beautifully. The bottom hem is then finished off neatly with a line of heart themed lace. I absolutely adore this lace!

Next is the JSK. The bodice seems decently fitted, but I am feeling a bit 'meh' about the bodice shape. It is okay, but a bit simple. The straps look a decent width and very supportive. These straps are lined with gold trim and a line of the heart themed lace, which then continue down the bodice to the waistline. The trim and lace then go along the neckline as well. I kind of feel as though the very straight lines are a little bit boring. The lace is so cute that it kind of makes up for it a little bit though! There is a waist bow, which seems a lot better proportioned compared to the one on the OP. This bow is shaped simply, but it sits well on the dress and at least it is an appropriate size. The bodice between the lines of lace is a solid coloured panel, which is neatly pleated. There is also a line of gold heart buttons going up the middle. These buttons have a lovely design and are well spaced out. The neckline is then finished with a small ribbon bow, which looks very sweet. I kind of feel as though the overall bodice design is a little bit 'lacking' though. It is like AP have played it a bit safe. The back is fully shirred, so there is loads of size flexibility, but it also means the shirring is left exposed. The stock photos show that the skirt looks very full and can flares outwards a lot. There is a lot of potential to create a great shape. The skirt is again kept simple in design, so the print is displayed excellently. The bottom hem is then finished off neatly with the cute heart themed lace.

Finally, here is the print. This series comes in ivory, pink, wine and black. I personally am favouring the pink and the wine. I feel the ivory colour could have done with being a little bit darker, as the dresses feature a lot of white parts and the ivory kind of blends in to the details. The black is okay, but I would have thought that brown would have been a more obvious choice. As for the print, I think it is very adorable. It is definitely my favourite AP print in a while. All the boxes are full of interesting details. I especially love the tin with the bunnies on it! The chocolate bunnies add a much needed touch of cute and are a lovely contrast to the sharp straight lines of the boxes. I like the stripy background and the 'falling' sweets too. I sort of feel that this print would have been better suited to a release around Valentines Day though!

So overall I think this is a pretty decent series. I think the dress designs could have been a bit more interesting, but the designs are strong and solid. There is very little that I would change about them. The print is really cute as well! Would I buy this series? No, but only because it is not really my usual style. If I was a chocolate print fan though, I imagine I would be very pleased with this release. It is a bit cutesy, but I think it works. My top choice would be the JSK in wine. I think this print has a lot of potential for some cute matching jewelry, so it will be interesting to see if AP release some at a later date.

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