Monday, 24 July 2017

Regimental Carousel by Alice and the Pirates

Today I am looking at Regimental Carousel by Alice and the Pirates. This series includes 4 dresses (one non-print), a jacket, a vest, a skirt, pants, a blouse, socks, a head bow and necklace.

First is JSK I. The bodice seems well fitted, but I am not a fan of the dropped waist. Although the bodice shape is a bit basic, I think it suits the more mature theme of the print. The straps look a decent, supportive width. The neckline and inside of the straps is lined neatly with a line of lace. There are some emblem themed gold buttons on the bodice. These are well spaced out. I like the choice of button as well. What I am not so sure of is the style of bow on the neckline. Not only is the ribbon used super shiny, the shape looks too cutesy for this particular series. The lower half of the back features a shirring panel, which is topped neatly with a ribbon corset. I am a bit confused by the back though, as above the shirring there is a random panel gathered in the middle to create a bow. I don't understand why this 'bow' is here. Surely it kind of negates the shirring? Maybe the design is a bit more straight-forward in person, but it doesn't make much sense to me as a potential international buyer looking online. The skirt appears to have a fair amount of volume. However, the dropped waist and tiered skirt design gives the dress a very awkward silhouette. In the stock photos the skirt looks quite lumpy. The tier joins themselves are topped with a line of lovely lace with ribbon threaded through it. This design had potential, but I don't think it has been well executed. The bottom hem is then finished off neatly with a line of thin lace.

Here is JSK II. The bodice seems quite well fitted and the shape is interesting. The neckline shape could have looked quite harsh, but the gathered lace really helps to soften it. I think the straps are a good width. They are lined neatly with a line of thin lace on the outsides. Given how lacy the rest of the bodice is, I think it was wise to use a thinner, more subtle line of lace on the straps. There is a line of lace going along the waistline. I do think the lace chosen is very pretty, but it also makes the waist area look wider. The bodice has a line of lace topped with 2 small bows and a larger bow on the neckline. I think the placing of the bows has been done poorly, especially the one on the waistline. They are not well spaced out at all. Also, the bows use that very shiny ribbon again and the shape of the bows is still too cute. The back of the dress is fully shirred, so there is lots of size flexibility, but also that the shirring is exposed. However, with the style of print and the shorter back I don't feel the shirring stands out too much. It would have been difficult to do a shirring panel and ribbon corset on such a short back. The stock photos show that the skirt has a good amount of volume and it flares outwards well. It should hold plenty of petticoat. The skirt is mostly kept simple, so the print is displayed beautifully. There are some interesting details to the sides of the skirt, where the ruffle at the bottom rises up at the sides. This creates a fun bottom hem shape. I also think these ruffly side details suit the frilly lace details on the bodice. These side details are then topped with some shiny ribbon bows. At least this is consistent with the neckline bow.

This is the OP. The bodice is really well fitted and I think the shape looks very smart. It is a good, mature match for the print. It looks as though the arms have a generous amount of length to them. They would probably be too long for me! But this will be helpful for taller lolitas and the fitted style of cuff will keep them from slipping down beyond the wrist. The cuff parts are quite long, but I think it matches the use of solid colour elsewhere on the dress. There is a waist bow, which is a decent shape and size. I am not entirely convinced this waist bow is needed, but at least it suits the dress. It is just a shame that it doesn't appear to be detachable. The bodice features a large solid coloured yoke which reaches down to the waist. This is a very flattering triangle shape. The good quality lace lining this triangle sits so beautifully on the dress as well. The yoke is broken up by lots of tidy pleats and some thin lines of lace. This gives the area extra texture and depth. There is also a line of emblem themed buttons going up the middle. I think these buttons are quite well spaced out, but maybe there are a few too many. The collar doesn't look too stuffy. I do worry the wide lace may be a bit ticklish though! The back offers no shirring, so size flexibility is very limited. The stock photos show that the skirt has a great amount of volume and it flares out well. I think there is the potential to create a fantastic full shape. There is an opening on the front of the skirt, filled with solid coloured material. This panel, like the one on the bodice, features lots of pleats and it is neatly lined with lace. Despite this opening, the print is still displayed excellently. The bottom hem is then finished off with some pretty lace of a good quality.

Finally, this is the print. This series comes in turquoise, brown, navy and black. As this is a very classical print, I think the colour choices are really suitable. The turquoise offers something a bit brighter and more colourful. All 4 colours work brilliantly though. As for the print, I think it looks beautiful. It is well presented with a neat striped pattern. The carousel fits in neatly with the print and I love the carousel horses which feature in the rows as well. There are lots of lovely little details. I think what I like the most is that this is a more mature take on a carousel print. It makes a change from the sugary pastel carousel prints we see quite a bit.

So overall I am very impressed. I really love the print. The dress designs could have maybe been better, but I like how there are more understated and slightly more frilly, detailed options. Hopefully there is something here to suit a wide range of tastes. Would I buy this series? Yes, although it is not going on my wishlist. I am surprised to find that I like the OP the most. As for the colour, I guess I like the turquoise, but the navy would be my second choice. I like the wide variety of items released for this series and I feel this series has lots of potential.


  1. Oooh I didn't notice this print come out! I love the print itself but none of the dress cuts do it for me...

    1. It really sucks when you like the print but not the dress cuts! I am not overly wowed by them myself. I just about like the OP.
