Monday, 8 May 2017

Fancy Hospital by Angelic Pretty

Today I am looking at Fancy Hospital by Angelic Pretty. This series includes 2 dresses, a more casual cutsew OP, 2 hair accessories, tights, socks and a blouse.

First up is the OP. The bodice seems quite well fitted and the bodice shape is very cute. It is a bit too cutesy for my personal tastes, but I can appreciate it suits the overall feel of the series. I do feel the sleeves could do with being a little shorter though. The gathering on the sleeve cuffs is lovely, giving a fantastic frilly appearance. The bodice is mostly kept simple, but there are 2 large ruffles running up the bodice. These have been well positioned and sit nicely on the dress. There is also a row of heart shaped buttons, which are neatly spaced out. The heart design is absolutely adorable. I think the collar shape is cute and a decent size as well. I especially love the lace lining the edge of the collar. There is also a small ribbon bow (which you can detach) which I think is the perfect size for the style of collar. My only complaint is the ribbon used for the bow is a bit too shiny. Despite this though, I would choose to leave it attached if I owned this dress. The back offers no shirring, so size flexibility is very limited. A lot of attention to detail has been put in to the back though, with the ruffles from the front carrying on down the back as well. There are even some medical themed crosses finishing the waist ties. The stock photos show that the skirt is very full and flares outwards well. I think there is a lot of potential to create a cute shape that goes well with the bodice style. The skirt is kept simple, so the all-over print is displayed beautifully. The bottom hem is then finished off with a line of good quality polka dot lace. I was a bit surprised AP didn't go for something a bit more medical themed here, but the choice of lace is still very cute.

Here we have the JSK. The bodice seems pretty well fitted. Although the bodice shape is a bit simple, I do like how it mimics the appearance of an apron, especially with the ruffle details. It feels very appropriate for the medical theme! The ruffles are well gathered and I like how they have been lined with lace as well. The straps look a decent width and quite supportive. Those bodice ruffles continue along the outsides of the straps, making them look a lot more interesting. There is a waist bow, which is a bit on the big side, but at the same time I feel this bigger size kind of suits this particular dress. The shape of this bow is simple, but it works well. It is well formed and sits well on the dress. The bodice features 2 rows of the heart shaped buttons and an additional cross themed patch in the middle. I feel very conflicted about this bodice. On the one hand, the large details look a bit crowded, but at the same time I do think the details go well together as a whole. The back features a panel of shirring which is topped neatly with a ribbon corset. Those crosses feature on the ends of the waist ties again too. The stock photos show that the skirt has plenty of volume and flares outwards lots. It should hold more than enough petticoat. The skirt is again kept simple, so the print is displayed wonderfully. The bottom hem is then finished off neatly with a line of polka dot lace.

Finally, here is the print. This series comes in white, pink, sax blue and black. The 3 lighter colours are suitably cute. I am not 100% sure of the black version, but I can see it having its fans anyway. As for the print itself, it is a bit too cute for my tastes. However, the items in the print are drawn well. I do appreciate all the little details in the print as well. For example, the first aid kit has a heart shaped handle for extra added sweetness. I like how the teddy has a stethoscope and the bunny has a bandaged ear! I also feel this print works better as an all-over print as opposed to a border print, so that was a good decision in my opinion.

This is quite a different release for Angelic Pretty. It is clear that AP are hopping on the menhera trend. I do wonder though, if this mix of lolita and menhera works though. It sort of feels as though the print is maybe a bit too cute for menhera? I admittedly don't know a great deal about this style... Personally, I imagine the more casual cutsew OP would possibly appeal to menhera fans over the more lolita styled dresses. From what I had seen online, a lot of people were not keen on the dress cuts for this print, but they still both sold out quite fast. I find them a bit too sweet and childlike, so I think I would feel uncomfortable wearing them. So this is not a series that I would go for myself. My top choice would be the JSK in pink. Although this series is really not my style, I am still very curious to see how people decide to co-ordinate these dresses. I imagine this could be a fun print to wear.


  1. I think the JSK cut is very cartoony in a way, with the large details. I wouldn't be comfortable wearing it, but I feel it works well.

    1. I know what you mean, the large details give it quite an 'exaggerated' look. I wouldn't be comfortable wearing it myself either, but I think it has the potential to look cute styled in a certain way.
