Monday, 9 January 2017

Wonder Memories by Angelic Pretty

Today I am looking at Wonder Memories by Angelic Pretty. This series includes 2 dresses, a skirt, a blouse, a head bow and tights.

First up is the OP. The bodice looks quite well fitted and the shape is cute. I think the arms look a good length and are suitably puffy, which gives them a cute appearance. The cuffs are kept nice and simple too, with some pretty heart themed lace and card suit shaped buttons. The bodice features a solid coloured yoke, which has an interesting shape. I especially like the gold braid lining the yoke, as it has been done so neatly. It gives the yoke a nice, solid border and I think the yoke is well executed. The middle of the yoke has a line of card suit shaped buttons and some lace, which sits neatly on the yoke. I think the buttons are well spaced out as well. The collar is adorable too. I think the use of card suit appliques on the collar is quite bold, and maybe some wont like it, but I am a fan. There is also a small detachable bow on the collar. Although the bow is a cute shape and size, I am a bit unsure the colour choices for this bow works in some cases. On the black for example, the bow is wine red, which is not a colour that appears widely on the dress. This bow is detachable and although I am a bit unsure about it, I would leave it attached. I feel the bow really 'ties in' and finishes the look of the bodice. The back of the dress offers no shirring, so size flexibility is very limited. I am pleased that the print appears to be reasonably well lined up along the zip line though. The stock photos show that the skirt has lots of volume to it and it flares outwards generously. It will hold plenty of petticoat. The skirt design is then kept simple, so the print is displayed beautifully. The bottom hem is then finished off neatly with tea cup themed lace. Although both lace choices are cute, I think I would have liked it if AP had stuck to either the tea cup or heart lace, but not both.

Here we have the JSK. The bodice seems well fitted, but I find the shape of the bodice a bit dull. It looks quite boxy. The straps are a decent width and look quite supportive. The straps are topped with a wide line of lace and some gold braid, which continues down the bodice to the waist. Although I liked the heart lace on the OP cuffs, I am not sure I like this lace used in this way down the bodice. I can't put my finger on exactly why, but something about its appearance when used in this way doesn't look quite right to me. Maybe it is because the lace is laid flat? There is a waist bow, which is a bit on the big side but has a really cute shape. I love the folds in the bow tails, which give the bow more depth and movement. The thin lace lining the waist bow is well used too. Despite its size, the waist bow appears to hold its shape well with no obvious signs of any drooping. The middle of the bodice has a line of card suit buttons, with lace on either side, which meets a line of rose lace along the neckline and a ribbon bow. The buttons are well spaced out and the lace going up the bodice is nicely gathered. However, I feel the rose themed lace along the neckline is a bit out of place. Roses don't really feature in the print and there are so many more apt designs that could have been used. I think the ribbon bow is a cute shape and size, but the ribbon used is a bit shiny. Also, the colour choices for this bow again work better on some colour ways than others. The back is fully shirred, which means the dress will have plenty of size flexibility but also means the unattractive shirring has nothing covering it. The stock photos show the skirt has loads of volume and it flares outwards lot. I like the full shape created for the stock photo, and think there is a lot of potential to create a fantastic shape. The skirt is again kept simple in design, so the print is displayed excellently. The bottom hem is then finished off with a line of tea cup lace layered really neatly on top of a ruffle of the main dress fabric. I like how the ruffle underneath really makes the lace stand out.

Finally, this is the print. This series comes in pink, sax blue, wine and black. The sax blue is quite a standard choice for an Alice themed print. I also think the wine and black offer some more mature looking options. I am a bit unsure about the pink version though. It is quite a dark pink, which may be difficult to co-ordinate. As for the print itself, it is quite busy, but really well set out. It is very neat and tidy. The gold frames are bold with lots of elaborate swirls to them. The playing cards fly around the frames perfectly. I think the Alice themed pictures inside the frames are well drawn with some interesting details. I especially like the inclusion of tea cups, which matches the lace used on the dresses. The Cheshire Cat is really sweet, although I think it needs a bigger grin!

So overall this is quite a well thought out series with some quite solid designs. There are some aspects of the dress designs which wont appeal to everybody, but I think there will be a good number of people who will like the designs too. The print is pretty and quite mature looking for an Alice print. Would I buy this series? Possibly, although it wont be going on my wishlist. I think my top choice would be the OP in black.

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