Monday, 21 November 2016

Aurora Soiree By Baby the Stars Shine Bright

Today I am looking at Aurora Soiree By Baby the Stars Shine Bright. This series includes 3 dresses, a skirt, a blouse, 4 hair accessories, tights and a few pieces of jewelry.

First up we have the Lind JSK. The bodice looks fairly well fitted and the bodice shape is interesting to look at. I really like that neckline. The straps look a suitable width and quite supportive. The neckline and straps are lined with this really pretty lace. Although I like the lace choice, I do wish the lace on the outsides of the straps tapered off gently before reaching the arm pit area. I personally think that would have looked neater. There is a waist bow, but I think the bow shape is a bit basic and uninspiring. The lace lining the waist bow doesn't really add much, apart from making the bow edges very rounded, which I am not fond of. However, I fear that with the waist bow detached, the dress looks too plain. I would be tempted to add my own ribbon belt if I had this dress. The bodice is kept quite simple, with some darts, but not a lot in the way of trims. The neckline at least has a thin line of gold lace, which emphasises the neckline shape nicely. There is also a glittery ribbon bow with a flower in the middle which, like the waist bow, is detachable. I would probably leave this bow attached, but not because I think the bow looks great, but because the bow stops the bodice looking too plain. The bow is a nice shape and size, but the 'flower' in the middle is a gathered bit of material with no defined shape to it. It doesn't look as though a lot of effort went in to forming the shape. The back has a panel of shirring, which is topped neatly with a ribbon corset. The stock photos show that the skirt has a decent amount of volume. It should hold a fair amount of petticoat. The skirt is kept very simple in design, so the print is displayed beautifully. The bottom hem is then finished off neatly with some good quality lace. This dress offers a simpler option, but I do wonder if maybe it is a bit too plain, especially with both bows detached.

This is the Princess JSK. The bodice seems well fitted and the shape is quite cute. The straps look a good, supportive width too. However, I am really not keen on the excessive use of lace and bows, tulle and wide lace along the neckline and the straps. I like the tulle on the straps and I think it is well gathered, but I don't feel it works with all the neckline details. The wide lace on the neckline is of a good quality, but it just hangs there limply and there is no gradual tapering at the sides. This means there is a lot of material flapping about at the arm pits. The bow in the middle of the neckline and 2 bows at the bases of the straps are a cute shape, but the tails need to be cut shorter. In fact, I don't like the tails of the middle bow hanging down the bodice at all. The strap bows just need to be smaller in general. Overall, the details are pretty, but they need to be a bit more refined. Underneath the neckline there are no details on the bodice, which could have been broken up with some discrete thin lines of lace. There is a waist bow, which is a bit on the big side, and I am not sure about the shape. I do love that this bow is lined super neatly with thin gold lace though, which is a nice touch. This bow is detachable, which I think I would do. The back offers a panel of shirring, which is topped neatly with a ribbon corset. The stock photos show that the skirt seems to have plenty of volume and it flares outwards generously. I have high hopes that the wearer could create a gorgeous shape with this skirt. The skirt features an open front design with lots of ruffles at the bottom. I think the soft looking chiffon material is perfect for doing the ruffles and I am generally very impressed with the way the skirt is set out. I really love how soft and fluffy all of those ruffles look! I think the ruffle going along the edge of the main dress fabric and the small bows are a nice touch. Despite the open front, you can still see the print quite clearly at the sides. The bottom hem is then finished off neatly with another chiffon ruffle.

Here we have the OP. The bodice looks reasonably well fitted, but the fabric is a bit loose in places. I think the bodice shape is lovely though. The soft chiffon sleeves look light and dreamy. They seem to be a decent length and I love the layered lace on the cuffs. I could take or leave the bows on the sleeves though, and feel they could at least have been a bit smaller. The neckline also features many ruffles and lines of lace. Generally, these neckline ruffles look really pretty, and I think they go well with the cuffs. The only bit I am a bit unsure of is the rolled up, rounded puffy layer. I just don't feel it fits in with the rest of the design. To finish, the neckline has a golden ribbon bow with flower, just like the Lind JSK. Sadly, I don't think this bow looks much better here. The flower still looks poorly done. There is a waist bow, which is an okay size. It is a bit big for my personal tastes. In some of the photos, the waist bow looks a bit droopy, and I am not overly fond of the shape either. Gold lace lining the bow could have been a nice touch too, but this time the bow has been left quite plain. Once again, the bodice is quite plain in design, and some thin lines of lace could have broken up the empty space. The back offers no shirring, so size flexibility is very limited. The stock photos show that the skirt has lots of volume to it and it flares outwards quite well. It has a good amount of length to it too, for a slightly longer dress design. The skirt is generally kept simple, so the print is displayed perfectly. The bottom hem is then finished off with 2 wide chiffon ruffles and some metallic ribbon bows. I think the ruffles are layered reasonably well, but I really wish they had been under-stitched instead of over-stitched.

Finally, this is one part of the print...

... and another part. This essentially covers what the border print looks like, and then above the trees you can see, there is the Aurora Borealis. This series comes in pink, orange, sax blue and navy. I think the colour options are generally lovely and work well with the print. However, I feel a better shade of orange could have been chosen. The combination of orange and pink flowers in the print could of had a lot of potential, but I personally am not impressed. As for the print itself, I think it is really pretty. The leaves don't have a massive amount of detail to them, but I think that kind of adds to the overall effect. The roses look pretty, with lots of detailed petals. I love the fairies too, which flutter so effortlessly around the pools of water. The trees make for a good, strong background. I like the aurora too, which creates some interesting shades in the sky. The one thing I am not so keen on is the Baby logo in the water, which I don't feel is needed.

My feelings towards this series are generally quite positive. There are a few small things I would change, but the dress designs are quite pretty. The print is pretty too, with a lovely dreamy feel to it. Would I buy this series? Possibly. Although I think it is pleasant to look at and can already think up ways to wear this series, I don't think this is a series I would go out of my way to get. I do like this series a lot more than a lot of recent Baby prints though. My top choice would be the Princess JSK in pink. I am not sure why, but I find the pink colour of this series very appealing. Although I wont be getting this series, I do really hope it does well for Baby. It has a similar look to it that Baby's Labyrinth has, and that series sold well. I think this series will have its fans. I am looking forward to seeing lots of pretty flower fairy lolitas!


  1. I love this series, though I don't think I'd ever wear it. Like you, my favourite is the Princess JSK in pink (or orange, the orange is delightful too).

    1. I think I feel the same way. I love it, but I don't think I would wear it. I don't like the orange myself, but that pink is such a gorgeous shade.
