Thursday, 22 September 2016

How I Would Wear it Now- Bodyline Carousel Edition

I figured it had been a while since my last 'How I would Wear it Now' post, where I take a look back at my past poor outfit choices and consider how I would wear it if I were to co-ordinate it today. So today I am revisiting that Bodyline carousel print that almost every Bodyline fan from around 2010 seemed to own. I find that when I usually do these posts, I get a little bit nostalgic and there have been a few times where I wonder if I was too hasty selling things. But in all honesty, I feel no such sentimental feelings towards this particular skirt I used to own. As time has gone on, I find more that I dislike about it. Present day me is wondering what 2010 me was thinking! I guess I just find the print a bit too cartoonish now, but back in the day I absolutely loved this skirt. It probably didn't help that the skirt sold out so quickly, that I had to get the T2L length, which was super long but did not have the volume to make a decent sweet lolita shape. The separately sold head bow was your typical Bodyline 'helicopter' style head bow, which looked ridiculous when worn. I came very close to buying the tote bag and making my own head bow.

I only properly wore the carousel skirt once, and I looked a total mess. This was back in the days where I was still trying to build my wardrobe up and I hadn't really been prepared for the massive amount of snow we had that Winter. So I had to wear it with black boots, as they were the only ones I had that could withstand the few feet of snow. I learnt a valuable lesson about building up my wardrobe basics that day. Typically, the meet got cancelled as I was walking to the train station!

So this is how I would wear this skirt now in 2016. For a more Winter (or snowstorm) appropriate look, I would probably switch to pink legwear and wear white boots and put on a nice, fluffy white coat. As I never really properly wore my skirt out before I sold it, I decided to go have a look at how other people had co-ordinated this print. I found that there were quite a few common themes that appeared, especially twin tail wigs. Seeing as twin tail wigs were a big thing around 2010 but have fallen out of favour a bit now, I felt that I should really do an outfit that didn't rely on twin tails to make it feel a bit more up to date. So out comes the beret, my trusted go-to hair accessory! I would pin the pink Chocomint star to the bow on the beret, just to spread the pink out a bit. I wanted to make the most of the pinks, yellows and purples that appear in the print. Fortunately the BTSSB necklace has all 3 of those colours covered, as does the Maniaq tights. Sometimes when making collages online it is hard to get a grasp of how an outfit will look like when worn, which is why I couldn't quite decide between the yellow or pink ring. The Red Maria cuffs could also be switched out for sax blue ones, although I did wonder if maybe that was a bit too much sax blue. I didn't want to add any more pony details, as I felt the star theme was strong enough by itself.

I think my new outfit looks reasonably well thought out, or at least it does compared to the outfit I came up with in 2010! Back in the day, I relied to much on the colour black, when I should have been buying more white coloured items. I suppose it is because black clothing is generally easier to get hold of. Thankfully, I have gotten over that as time has gone on. I just hope this new outfit redeems me a little bit. 


  1. The funny thing is that this print is still one of the most popular ones on Bodyline - but also one that so often ends up going on to all kinds of Lolita second hand sales. As much as I like carousel theme, as you said, this one is a bit too cartoonish. I like what you've done with the outfit, it's definitely very current (berets seem to be quite in recently?) and it feels relatively fresh compared to what I've seen other people do with this print.

    1. Yeah, you do see it a lot on the second hand sales still but I have noticed that you don't see many people posting their outfits. Although I don't go on Closet of Frills that much, so maybe people are still wearing it lots and I just haven't noticed! Thank you, I am glad you like my updated outfit :)

  2. That is a good idea, even it was item you wasn't extremely proud of. I like twintails, but they are bit goofy sometimes, if anyone get idea to wear it with twintails, I would suggest to make them to buns and place them low.
    Still cute but less placed in an era.

    1. Thank you! I still like twin tails and I do wear them still from time to time, but I agree they can look goofy. I think a lot of it depends on how you place the tails on the base wig. They can look very unrealistic if the wearer isn't careful.
