Thursday, 17 March 2016

A New Look to Japonica

Today's post is just going to be a quick one, as I wanted to just share how much I am liking the new Japonica auction order form. It is now even easier to use this shopping service.

Whereas before you had to copy and paste the order form in to an email and then provide a lot more information, the new order form is a lot more straight-forward. You no longer have to copy the seller name and the auction name. All you have to do is copy the url in to the form, put in your price and then click the options you want. It is really nicely laid out and I found Japonica a lot more pleasant to use because of it. I thoroughly approve and I will be recommending Japonica more from now on!

And for those of you who are curious about what I was bidding on... I was feeding my thirst for all things Angelic Pretty and pink. I got a Glass Doll cutsew, which was listed for super cheap because it had the most tiny make up stain on it (which I managed to wash out). I also got a pair of Dream Sky tights and a Misty Sky ring, which was also cheap because the seller had to reattach the silver frame around the edge of the cloud. Seeing as I was ordering anyway, I also got Japonica to order from Angelic Pretty for me, as I wanted the Shadow Dream Carnival tights. I was a bit surprised that AP re-released that series, but it did mean I got the chance to delete another photo from my Facebook wishlist album! I don't often share my auction purchases on here any more as I never know whether people are interested in seeing my hauls or not. Do let me know if this is something that interests you!


  1. This looks super easy, I might even give those scary auctions a try now :D
    Also, personally I love seeing hauls like this.

    1. Once you get the hang of it, the auctions are pretty straight forward :) I shall consider doing more haul posts in the future!

  2. Love a bit of Japonica Market. The new form is super straightforward so I'm glad they've done it.
    How did you get them to order from AP for you? I was under the impression AP would reject any shopping service orders that aren't Tenso-- or can you get around it because JM purchase the items as an individual rather than a business?

    The Shadow Dream Carnival tights look super pretty and I can't wait to see what outfits you come up with using your new items :)

    1. It is so much better! I didn't mind it before, but anything that makes ordering more convenient is a good thing!
      I have no idea... they just sort of did it! I think it might be because SDC was a really slow release. But they probably did purchase as an individual rather than as a company.

      I already have some ideas for the cutsew, but my mission is to do something with the Dream Sky tights which isn't just teaming it with Dream Sky! XD We will see how that turns out!

  3. I always love seeing hauls, and this one is so cute and pink! I love cutsews with different fabric on the sleeves - looking forward to seeing you wear this.

    1. That is good to know! It seems I should do more haul posts in the future. I love the Glass Doll cutsew sleeves. The fabric is so lovely!
