Monday, 19 October 2015

Whip Jacquard by Angelic Pretty

Today's print focus is Whip Jacquard by Angelic Pretty. This series includes 2 dresses, a skirt, a coat, a jacket and 2 hair accessories.

First up is the OP. The bodice seems well fitted and I love the shape. I really like the contrast between the main dress and the chiffon top part. The false neckline is well shaped and the line of pleats is kept to neat and tidy. It really does look as though this is a JSK with a blouse underneath, rather than an OP. The sleeves seem to be a decent length and I like that they get really puffy towards the cuffs. The cuffs are done neatly and are finished off in a simple way with just some lace and a plain looking button. I quite like that the cuffs are not overloaded with detail. There is a waist bow, which seems a suitable size. The bow is well formed with a good shape to it. However, I feel the waist bow does somewhat blend in to the dress. Although the dress design is quite simple, I don't feel the waist bow really adds anything to the design and maybe it is not really needed. The collar is very cutely shaped and the perfect size. It is lined very neatly with some good quality polka dot themed lace. The collar is then topped with a velveteen bow, which finishes things off neatly. I am a little unsure about the use of velveteen here, especially when it isn't used anywhere else, but I don't feel it looks bad. The back offers no shirring, so unfortunately the sizing is a bit limited. I do feel the zip line stands out a bit on the lighter colour ways, but it is otherwise quite neat and tidy looking. The stock photos show the skirt has lots of volume and flare to it. It will hold plenty of petticoat and the shape of the skirt suits the bodice shape. The skirt design is kept clutter-free, so the print is displayed perfectly. The bottom hem is then finished off with some lovely bow themed lace. 

Next up, we have the JSK. The bodice seems well fitted but I feel the overall bodice shape is lacking something. The neckline shape is also quite harsh and I feel it needs to be a bit more rounded. I really hate how thin the straps on this JSK are. If it wasn't for the generous ruffles of lace lining them, they would almost be non-existent. They look so flimsy and I can't imagine them holding up very well. There is a massive waist bow. It is far too bulky, even if it does blend in with the print. The shape of the bow is quite good and holds up well for a bow of its size. It doesn't work at all though, and I would not have bothered with a waist bow at all, especially when the bodice is so full of details. The bodice features 2 ribbon corsets which use velveteen strips to lace them up. I think these details look terrible. The placement of these details doesn't look right and the velveteen looks too bunched together. It just looks really messy and it also looks especially strange teamed with the waist bow. I am also not keen on the choice of velveteen material here. In addition to the velveteen corset details, there is a line of large buttons going up the middle and some thick braid running along the neckline. The buttons don't look too bad, but I think there needs to be fewer of them. I am not impressed by the braid because it looks a bit out of place teamed with the rest of the design. The back has a panel of shirring, which has been topped neatly with the ribbon corset. The stock photos show the skirt has a great amount of volume and it flares outwards quite well. There is the potential to create a nice, full shape. The skirt is generally kept quite simple, so the all-over print is displayed very well. However, there is more of that velveteen ribbon at the bottom of the skirt and it looks terrible. It looks so flat and lifeless and it just doesn't work. The bottom hem is lined neatly with a line of the cute bow themed lace.

And here is the print close up. This series comes in ivory, pink, mocha and brown. These are quite standard colour choices for a chocolate themed AP print and I can see why some people are worried this print is being released in place of AP's usual annual chocolate series. The colours do work quite well with the print. As for the print itself, I think it is boring. It has lots of cute things, like whipped cream and icing, but it all looks too simple. It just goes to show that even if you take a common sweet theme, it doesn't necessarily mean it is going to be a success.

So I feel this series is a big disappointment and there is nothing here which really looks that special. I can appreciate that sometimes a simpler, understated print can be amazing, but the dress designs really have to be strong to make it work. Sadly, the dress designs leave a lot to be desired. The OP may look quite cute, but that is mainly because AP have played it very safe with the design. The JSK design is a mess. So I think it is safe to say that I would not buy this series. The OP in brown would be my top choice if I did like it. I am writing this post 3 days after the series was released and the majority of the colour choices for both dresses are still available. For an AP release, that really says a lot.


  1. I really don't like this either.
    I didn't realise the lacing was done with velveteen. I does look a little droopy which might be like a melting effect but I really don't like the whole thing.

    The way the print stands out on the dark colour ways, the ribbons at the front defeating the purpose of a simple dress design and the colour of the ribbons on the milk chocolate colour way are more orange, which may have been deliberate like a caramel topping but it just clashes with the dress pattern and colours.

    You never know though, many dress designs that I really hated and wondered who would buy them were loved by my friends because of their quirky and rebellious design.

    To me it seems rushed. Almost a grab at whatever might be popular. As you say in your post I hope this is not the annual chocolate print.

    1. Velveteen does seem like an odd choice. I don't know if the droopy effect is deliberate, but it doesn't look that appealing.

      Actually, I have already seen somebody on my facebook friend's list who has brought this series! She got the skirt and jacket though, which are a bit better than the dress designs.

      I am starting to think we wont be seeing a big AP chocolate series this year :(
