Monday, 8 September 2014

Le Petit Chaperon Rouge by Alice and the Pirates

Today I shall be taking a look at Le Petit Chaperon Rouge by Alice and the Pirates. This series includes 2 dresses, a skirt, a cape, 4 hair accessories, socks, a necklace, 2 blouses, a vest and a pair of shorts.

First up, we have JSK I. The bodice is a lovely shape and seems well fitted. The velveteen part looks a bit loose, although that may be down to the material used. The straps are a good width and the thicker velveteen material makes them seem a bit stronger and more supportive. The velveteen parts give the bodice a dirndl look. It does remind me slightly of Oktoberfest costumes, but at the same time I think the dirndl is a suitable look which matches up really well with the print. The velveteen parts are shaped nicely and I love the pointed waist line. It is also good to see the velveteen is lined neatly with colourful braid, which gives the edges a neat appearance and also looks very pretty. There is a ribbon corset running between the velveteen parts on the front. The ribbon used has a lovely matte look to it with no sheen at all. The ribbon is also spaced out well, without ever looking too bunched together. I also like how the ribbon is held in place by metal eyelets, as it feels like they are very secure. Underneath the velveteen, the rest of the bodice is made up of solid white material. Near the top, this white material is gathered slightly, which stops it from looking too flat. I do think the neckline is a little high up though. The neckline is finished off with a line of thin braid and topped with a rose corsage. The rose corsage is pretty, although I could take or leave it. The back of the bodice is solid velveteen. There is a bit of shirring, which is concealed neatly by a ribbon corset. The stock photos show the skirt has a very pretty shape. It is very rounded and flares outwards really well. It has plenty of volume to it. The skirt design is kept simple and the print is displayed really well. The bottom hem is then finished off with pretty lace.

This is JSK II. The bodice is very well fitted, although the overall shape is a bit simple. The straps are a suitable width for the dress. The straps are lined with lace on the outside, although I'm not too keen on their choice of lace. I think the lace looks a bit spiky and harsh, and something a little softer would have been nice. It also looks a bit messy. The same lace is used along the neckline as well. The bodice has a line of lace cutting across the bust area, giving the bodice a panelled look. I worry that this line of lace is going to sit strangely on some wearers and I get the feeling the bodice wont fit right on those with a larger bust. The lace used across the bodice is a bit nicer and softer than the neckline lace, although I still feel there are prettier options that could have been used. This panel at the top of the bodice is topped with a large bow. I really hate the bow shape. It doesn't look well proportioned and the shape is very simple too. I also don't think it sits well on the dress. On a more positive note, I do like the look of the bodice underneath the panel bit. There is a ribbon corset on either side of the bodice. The ribbon has been spaced so neatly and the sides are lined with lace too. The design looks very clean and well executed. The ribbon does have a slight shine to it, but nothing too obvious. My only slight complaint is the ribbon tails which run down the skirt. In the front centre of the bodice, there is a line of large rose themed lace running up the middle. The lace has a very pretty design with lots of detail to it. The lace really helps to fill in what would otherwise be a very empty and boring space. The back has a panel of shirring which is topped neatly by a ribbon corset. The stock photos show the skirt has loads of volume and flares outwards beautifully. There is the potential to create a very pretty bell shape. The skirt design is again kept simple and the print is displayed brilliantly. The bottom hem is then finished off with pretty lace.

And here is one part of the print close up...

...and another part. I can't say I am that impressed with Baby's stock photos for this print! This series is available in beige, red, navy and black (although the black looks very green to me). I am feeling very unsure about the beige colour way as I feel this print works best with a really bold, deep background. The other 3 colours work really well. As for the print, I like how it depicts the darker side of the Red Riding Hood story. The trees in the background are very sinister looking and one part is even shaped like the wolf, which I feel is a nice touch. I even spotted a few bats hanging from the trees! It is really great when you get a print that has a few hidden surprises in it. The characters in the print have been drawn well. My favourite part is Red Riding Hood and the wolf. The print is framed beautifully by the intricate gold at the top and bottom of the print. The non border part of the print features lines of roses and apples, which add an extra little pop of colour on the rest of the dress.

I'm not against tassels in lolita fashion provided they are used in a suitable way. However, I don't think the head bow from this series is a good example of how to use tassels. The head bow would have looked just fine without them.The tassels seem too big and I dislike the way they hang. Tiny little tassels maybe wouldn't have looked so bad. I dislike having them placed over the ear area either side, and I feel it looks a bit peculiar worn on the dress head in the stock photos. I just think it is a shame that AatP couldn't have offered just one simple looking head bow for this series.

I think that overall, this series is very promising. This is a very pretty fairy tale print which isn't too cutesy and sweet looking. The dress designs are also pretty good, although I would change some of the lace on JSK II. Would I buy this series? Possibly. I think it is a pretty series, although it isn't the sort of series I would usually go for. If I were to buy this series I think I would choose JSK I in either red or black (seeing as the black is actually a lovely green colour). I think the dirndl is a good match for this particular print!