Monday, 1 September 2014

Kuma Kumya's Royal Kingdom by Baby the Stars Shine Bright

Today I am taking a look at Kuma kumya's Royal Kingdom by Baby the Stars Shine Bright. This series includes 3 dresses (2 printed, 1 not), a salopette, a skirt, 3 hair accessories, 2 neck ties, socks, a vest, 2 blouses, 2 rosettes and a Kumakumya pochette.

Here we have JSK I. The bodice looks decently fitted and the shape is interesting. I find the straps a bit odd though. Something about the placement feels a bit off. Baby have chosen to layer 2 pairs of straps on top of each other. The bottom straps are a very standard pair of straps with a good width and lined neatly with a thin line of gold lace. Then on the top is a pair of scalloped velveteen straps, neatly lined with gold braid near the edge. Whilst both sets of straps are done well, I am unsure the 2 pairs work together. However, the velveteen part is detachable if you dislike it. The dress does look a bit basic with them detached though, so I suppose it is down to the wearer's individual preference. Something that puts me off about the velveteen is that it makes up such a small part of the dress and the material isn't used anywhere else on the dress, so it does look a bit out of place. The front of the bodice has been neatly divided in to panels and divided neatly by thin lines of gold lace. The print on the bodice goes from diagonal lines to straight lines, but this seems to work okay with the style of the print. The front of the bodice has a military theme with buttons and braid between them. The buttons and lines of braid are spaced out neatly. The bold colour and golden detail of the braid is so pretty. It has a lovely luxury feel and adds a slight pop of colour to the bodice. The buttons also have a very well suited shield pattern printed on them. The neckline has the same style of pretty braiding as the front of the bodice with the addition of some extra gold lace. The neckline is then topped with a golden ribbon bow. The bow shape is pretty and it looks quite firm too. I think it could do with being a tiny but smaller though. The back has a panel of shirring which is concealed neatly by a ribbon corset. The stock photos show the skirt is full and flares outwards beautifully. It has a pretty sweet shape to it. The skirt design is kept very simple and the print is displayed brilliantly. The bottom hem is then finished off with the same braid and lace combination as the neckline. It looks pretty and it is good for continuity. 

And this is JSK II. The bodice shape is simple, but nice looking. It seems fairly well fitted too. The straps are a bit thin and don't look very supportive. And despite being lined with some quality lace, they look a bit dull. The waist area has a bow, which looks very big. I do feel it needs to be smaller. The bow is also lined with lace, which emphasises the large size, but at the same time I feel it helps make the bow a bit more interesting. The bow seems to sit well on the dress, but the shape is a bit sloppy. The waist bow is thankfully detachable. The bodice on this dress is also divided in to panels with diagonal and vertical striped parts. But unlike the other JSK, this dress doesn't have any gold lace to line the different panels. It looks very simple and I think I prefer the other JSK with the gold lace. The neckline is lined neatly with gold braid and then a line of lace. The lace is pretty and looks smart. Then the neckline is topped with a large bow on one side with chains leading to a button on the other. The bow looks very big, but the shape is nice and it sits quite nicely. The chains dangle down nicely and are a good length. This JSK uses the same pretty button as the ones used on the other JSK. However, something about the overall bodice feels a bit plain and there are large areas with a lack of detail. The back has a panel of shirring which is topped neatly with a ribbon corset. The stock photos show the skirt has a reasonable amount of volume and flares outwards plenty. The shape is okay, with a nice subtle bell shape to it. The skirt design is kept simple so the print is displayed beautifully. The bottom hem is then finished off with good quality lace, which is one that Baby uses quite a lot. It is a shame they didn't include a line of gold braid at the bottom, just to make more of a feature out of the gold.

Finally, we have part of the print close up. This series is available in pink/red, blue, navy/red and brown. I do feel all four colour choices work well with the print and are also interesting looking. However, a part of me wishes the colours were a bit deeper and bolder in places. As for the print itself, I am loving the British theme! I think it is a bit of a new area as far as lolita prints go and seems to be a bit of a new trend at the moment (Innocent World just released a Union Jack flag print too). Our old familiar bear friend looks very cute dressed as a Queen's guard! The carriage design is also has a very cutesy design. I love the frames around the pictures too. They are so decorative with the use of gold patterns. I especially love the stripy bow and the crown. The stripy background really stands out too. I think this series may be a little too cute for some people but I think it is good to have a sweeter regimental stripe print on offer.

So I feel this is a really cute series with a good print. I think JSK II seems to be lacking something but apart from that it is a decent series with lots of interesting items on offer. Would I buy this series? Probably not, but toy prints have never really been my thing anyway. I still think this series is a good effort. If I did go for this series it would have to be JSK II in either blue or navy/red.

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