Monday, 14 July 2014

Wonder Story Comes in the Rose Blooming Night by Baby the Stars Shine Bright

Today I am taking a look at Wonder Story Comes in the Rose Blooming Night by Baby the Stars Shine Bright (what is it with Baby and their long-winded print names...). This series includes 2 dresses, a skirt, a bag, 5 hair accessories, 2 blouses and tights. There is also an additional non-printed dress set.

This is the Heart JSK. The bodice seems fairly well fitted. The bodice shape is really interesting and I love the deep heart neckline. The neckline may not suit everybody though. The straps are a good width for the dress. They are lined with lace on the outside, but I'm not sure the lace used here is the best choice. It is pretty, but I think it is a little too wide and looks a little flat in comparison to the lace on the rest of the bodice. There is a waist bow, which is a good size and lined neatly with lace. However, the bow is a bit droopy looking and seems to sag a bit. The bodice design is very strong with plenty of detail, so I'm not sure the waist bow is really needed. As for the bodice, there is lace and gold braid used to create a heart shape on the bodice. The design is bold and interesting. The lace sits really well on the dress and has been done very neatly. The lace along the neckline help to emphasise the heart themed bodice well. I love the additional card suit lace along the neckline too, which matches the dress print well. Inside the lace heart, there is a line running up the front centre of the bodice, which is topped with alternating ribbon bows and buttons. Some may say the bow and button design is too clustered and OTT, but I think it looks good. The spacing has been done well. The only thing I would change is maybe to put an additional button underneath the third bow, just to fill in that empty bit of space at the bottom. The ribbon used for the bows is really pretty and I like the gold detailing. The bow shapes are cute too and a good size. The buttons used are very decorative, although I think it looks a bit strange having 2 pearly buttons and one clear button. I would have just had 3 pearly buttons. The back has a panel of shirring which is concealed neatly by a ribbon corset. The stock photos show the skirt has lots of volume and flares outwards well. It will accommodate plenty of petticoat. The overall skirt shape is okay, but I feel it could have been slightly more rounded. The skirt design is kept simple and the print is displayed beautifully. The bottom hem is then finished off with the standard lace Baby uses loads. Whilst this looks fine, I think it would have been cute to layer the card suit lace from the neckline over the other lace to make it more of a feature.

Here we have the Violetta JSK. The bodice is a nice shape and it seems to be well fitted. However, I do feel the neckline sits quite high. The straps are quite wide and could maybe do with being just the slightest bit narrower. They look a bit bulky. Luckily they are lined with very thin lace, which makes them more interesting but doesn't add too much bulk to the already wide straps. The neckline has pretty lace, although I feel it sits a bit awkwardly. The waist has an interesting pointed shape to it, which is lined very neatly with gold braid. The gold braid continues on the bodice and gives a panelled look to the bodice. I'm not too keen with the triangle shape on the bodice as I think it is a bit too narrow. The gold braid also crosses across the bust area. Hopefully the braid is not too tight, otherwise it may cut in to the bust area of a more bustier wearer. Some of the braid lines are lined neatly with pretty lace, which is a good thin width, so still looks tidy. Inside the triangle shape the gold braid is used to make a ribbon corset. The gold braid is spaced out well and doesn't look too crowded. However, I am a little concerned with the way the corset braid is held in place on the dress. It uses lace loops to attach, which look a bit flimsy and could easily get damaged. The top panel of the bodice is topped with a bow. The shape is okay and the size is good. I also like how neat the lace lining the bow looks. However, I am feeling undecided about where the bow has been placed. I'm just not sure it is the best location. It does look very perky and sits nicely though. The back has a panel of shirring which is concealed neatly with a ribbon corset. The stock photos show the skirt is very full and flares outwards loads. Overall, I like the slightly rounded shape of the skirt. But in some of the stock photos the skirt shape doesn't look as good and I wonder if it is because of the way the material attaches to the pointed waistline. The skirt design is kept simple, so the print is displayed really well. The bottom hem is then finished neatly with a line of gold braid and pretty lace. It is nice how the bottom hem matches up with the style of the bodice.

And finally, here is part of the print close up. This series is available in white, pink, sax blue and brown. As per usual, we have the standard Alice in Wonderland and sax blue combination. All 4 colours work with the print but I found myself most drawn to the pink because the pink colour way has such romantic, soft colours in it. I am also quite fond of the brown, which is unusual for me, but I still think I would have preferred black. As for the print itself, it is quite a standard Baby Alice in Wonderland print. I do feel this is one of their better Alice prints though. Playing cards and roses are maybe a bit overdone, but I think they have been drawn very well. The cards are layered nicely and the pictures on the cards feature pretty Alice pictures. I actually feel I would have liked normal playing cards instead of the Alice portrait ones though, so that the Alice theme was a bit more subtle. My favourite part of this print is the clusters of roses and sweets. I think they compliment the playing cards very well and are a good way to fill in any empty space at the bottom.

I have very mixed feelings about this series. There are aspects of the print that I like, but this print doesn't really do anything new with the overdone Alice in Wonderland theme. I would have been happy with a playing card and rose print without much Alice influence at all. However, I do think the Heart JSK is a very interesting design and if I had to buy this series I would get this dress in pink. The Violetta JSK is just a bit too average looking for me. As far as Alice series go, this one is pretty but nothing amazing.


  1. This print looks gorgeous in real life. The shop staff explained to me it has an eerie Halloween influence such as the knives stabbed into the cake and the black cats which appear in the cards.

    1. Wow, that is a very interesting take on the print! I wouldn't have noticed that if you hadn't mentioned it :)
