Thursday, 12 June 2014

Berkshire Lolitas Summer International Lolita Day 2014 Meet!

I hope everybody had a lovely International Lolita Day last Saturday! I spent my ILD with the Berkshire Group in Reading. We were meant to have a picnic but unfortunately the weather forecast was awful!

I had a bit of trouble with my outfit. I knew it was meant to rain, but it was also meant to be really hot and humid. In the end, I had to wear whatever went the best with my Bodyline boots (Which I really need to break in properly. They were VERY uncomfortable and I am praying they get more comfortable after a few wears, otherwise I wont be getting the black ones after all). I feel I look a bit plain and simple, but it was important that I was able to wear things I could easily take off if needed. In the end, it was really hot and sunny all day, so there was no need to wear my boots! Typical! I curled my hair (too hot for a wig) and it all fell out not long afterwards. But aside from weather troubles, I don't think I did too badly? I wore my Meta lucky pack dress, which has served me quite well as one of my more casual brand pieces. Everything else is either Bodyline or off-brand.

The Forbury Gardens were in bloom and it looked lovely, although a few of the roses were a bit dead! We had to angle our photos very carefully to choose the best flowers. This rope area is in the middle of the gardens and it looks amazing when the flowers are out.

A lovely group of lovely lolitas! I met a few new people and saw loads of fantastic lolitas again. It is a shame I don't have any photos of us with Fern, Charlotte and Becky, who met us all a bit later on. We were able to get lots of photos before our mid-afternoon lunch.

We then went to Wagamama's again. It was a shame we couldn't have the picnic, but I was very satisfied with my curry! I had what James had last time, because I remember sampling his and getting food envy! Curry may seem a bit of an odd choice for a hot day, but it tasted amazing.

We also got given goody bags. We were all very happy with them! A massive thank you to Fern, Charlotte and Rosa for making them.

We also had another of Shalisa's quizzes to fill out and I ended up getting first place again! We had to guess whether or not the names were real brand print names or false ones. Considering I love discussing brand releases on here, it would have been embarrassing if I hadn't done well! Although, even I was a little surprised by some of the brand names on there. I don't think a single person guessed right that there was a print called Ruby Gloom. 

We went back to the park to eat the cakes that Rhiannon had made. They tasted amazing! I wish I had saved room for more. There were loads of interesting flavours, including elderflower. I kind of regret not trying one of those ones. And then Sammi, Shalisa and I left early because we needed to get some supplies in town.

I am very glad that I got to celebrate ILD with friends. I haven't really properly celebrated ILD at a meet before, so it was fun to mark the occasion. And although my boots caused me a lot of pain, I was grateful for the lovely sunny weather.

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