Thursday, 17 April 2014

Take a Theme- Bunnies

It feels like ages since I last did a Take a Theme post... I thought that seeing as it is nearly Easter (I am preparing this post early and hoping I remember to publish it in time. If you are reading this after Easter, I hope you still enjoy the cute bunnies!) I would today have a look at my favourite bunny themed items. Bunnies and rabbits are a very popular theme in lolita, so there are many different lolita-able items out there. When I was searching, I found LOADS of stuff and it was very difficult to narrow them all down!

Prints of note- Cherry Berry Bunny (Angelic Pretty), Happy Garden (Angelic Pretty), Bunny Milk and Snow Strawberry (BTSSB), Candy Star Rabbit (Meta), Fancy Bunny (Meta), Le Carde Du Lapin (Juliette et Justine)

Possible sub-themes- pom poms, fake fur, ears, Alice in Wonderland

I hope you all like my rabbit picks! I deliberately tried to choose items that were not from lolita-specific brands because I wanted to show what else was out there. Rabbits is a very popular theme and I have barely scratched the surface today.

Provided I have managed to publish this post at the right time, I hope everybody has a lovely Easter!