Thursday, 10 April 2014

Enchanted Part 2!

I didn't feel as though one post on Enchanted was enough, so I am doing a second one today! I thought that maybe I would take a look at some of my personal favourite outfits from the Saturday. I didn't get the chance to photograph a lot of people and some of my photos came out too poor, so please don't take it personally if you are not featured! Also, I have a request- if anybody happens to spot any photos of me at Enchanted, then please could you link me? Quite a few people asked for my photo but I haven't been able to locate many of them.

I met these lovely ladies in the queue. I found a fellow unicorn! 

I adore the chiffon overskirt with the fake roses! What an interesting idea to team with Daydream Carnival. Daydream Carnival was actually the dress I was going to use for my back-up outfit! I saw quite a few different people wearing DDC and it gave me plenty of inspiration for future outfits.

Pretty veil! I thought this was a very cute pink outfit. I like the gloves too.

Pirate lolita was quite a popular style at the event. There were loads of tricorn hats wondering around! I really liked this Night Ship Alice outfit.

A very cute Melody Toys outfit! I like the print a bit more now that I have seen it in person. It is a shame I didn't get a shot of the shoes because they looked adorable with the attached pom poms.

Octave Kitten and Mini Mo were looking as fabulous as ever!

I love the veil and hair flowers. 

Shalisa was looking fabulous in Meta. I definitely think the red shoes worked better than the other pair! It added a nice further pop of red to the outfit. It's a shame I didn't get the chance to take a photo of Michelle or the Berkshire lolitas, but there were so many people that it was hard to keep track of everybody!

Sammi and Nicola got their photo taken with Chokelate. Sammi's Fantastic Dolly outfit was so well put together. Everything was really well balanced. Nicola looked very cute for her very first big London meet. Chokelate looked as beautiful as ever! I am so glad we struck up the courage to ask for a photo and had the chance to talk a little. 

And so this ends my Enchanted coverage. As I write this, I am really suffering from the post-event blues. I really miss everybody already! I cannot wait for the next big meet. I vow that by the next big meet I will have learnt more about my newer camera, I will talk to people more (although to be fair, I have been making some progress here already) and I will just generally mingle more. I really hope to see everybody again then!

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