Thursday, 6 March 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday Oxfordshire Lolitas!

Last Sunday the Oxfordshire Lolitas had a party to celebrate our 3rd anniversary! The meet was held slightly later than normal this year, but it was worth the wait. Michelle was our host and she did a fantastic job.

I wore gothic lolita with a touch of old-school because I wanted an excuse to wear my Meta Feathercross OP! It was the first dress I ever fell in love with and after finally obtaining it I wanted to wear it as soon as possible. I kept things relatively simple this time. I am hoping I can come up with a more adventurous outfit with this OP in the future. I always seem to wear more darker outfits in the Winter. I adore this dress but I am looking forward to wearing something more colourful soon! 

Michelle really went for it with the decorations and presents. There were balloons everywhere and lots of party poppers were pulled. At one stage the table was completely covered in silver streamers and sweets. We all got given a present full of sweets, a pen, party stuff and raffle tickets. 

And there was a cake! Michelle made us a chocolate cake and I think she decorated it very appropriately. I didn't have room for cake after a big meal, but I took a slice home (a piece that had an 'L' on it, of course!) and it tasted amazing. Michelle put so much effort in!

We also had our annual raffle. Here are some of the prizes I won. I seem to be collecting those love heart rings! 

One of my raffle tickets was the very first to be pulled out and I could not resist this amazing hat! (thanks Jenni) It is absolutely beautiful. I haven't decided what I will wear it with yet.

And here we have the group photo. A few people pulled out at the last minute, so the group is a bit small this year. We decided it was only fair to eat their share of the cake on their behalf! (Seriously, you were missing out)

And for absolutely no reason, here is a picture of a pigeon with a mohawk. I spotted it and everybody instantly got their cameras out.

So another year has passed! Who knows what strange adventures we will have this year... This anniversary was a lot of fun. I was with good friends, ate fantastic food and won lots of fabulous prizes. I can't wait for the next meet!


  1. It was such a lovely meetup! I think everything worked out well in the end, especially where cake was concerned XD I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again soon :)

    1. Me too! I really can't wait for the next meet! Hopefully it will be some time soon :)

  2. all look so cute! <3 the pigeon with mohawk was the best xD

    1. Thank you! <3 Yeah, the pigeon was amazing!
