Thursday, 14 November 2013

Never Give Up!

Today I want to share a positive story with you all. I have been bursting with happiness recently because I have finally achieved a dream that has been hanging over me since I wore lolita for the very first time. I finally obtained the dream dress that has eluded me so many times!

It all started back in early to mid-2009. I had made the decision to stop day-dreaming about lolita and actually start wearing it. So I started to browse the EGL community sales page and it wasn't long before I stumbled across Feathercross. After a bit of research, I discovered it was from a Metamorphose Summer Special set the previous year. Gothic Lolita was what initially drew me in to the fashion and I knew right away that I wanted this dress. Feathercross became my very first dream dress.

So this dress was sold at a reasonable prices and was part of a special set... it should have been easy to obtain, right? Wrong! For so long, I kept missing this dress. It's not even as if it wasn't popping up for sale that often, I was seeing it every few months. Some times I would even see about 3 Feathercross dresses in the space of a week. But every time, something would prevent me from obtaining it. Somebody would always get in there before me, one time I lost out by only 10 minutes. Sometimes sellers would change their minds about selling it or would sell it to somebody else when I had asked them to hold it for a few days. There are quite a few dresses on my wishlist that I have missed out on multiple times but none have even come close to Feathercross. It is no exaggeration when I say that I think I have missed out on this dress 20+ times. I think this added to my frustration because it's not as if the dress was that rare, I was just being extremely unlucky.

During this time, I came very close to giving up on it. I thought this would be a simple dress to obtain and yet it was proving such a hard challenge. I even managed to get dresses that I never thought I would own, like AatP's Midsummer Night's Dream. Surely if I could obtain a popular dress like Midsummer, then a simple special set dress with a basic design shouldn't be this difficult! 

And then it happened... somebody listed Feathercross and as usual, there were people interested in it before me. I didn't want to give up hope and I contacted the seller anyway, thinking I wouldn't get it... but I did! My heart was pounding as I paid the Paypal invoice because I thought it was too good to be true. I refused to believe this was really happening until that dress arrived at my home.

A few days later, the dress arrived. I tried it on and it fitted perfectly. I breathed a sigh of relief because after 4 and a half years, I finally owned the dress that had gotten away so many times. It felt so good to tick Feathercross off of my wishlist. It is also nice to have a physical representation of the beginnings of my lolita journey. I am very happy to say that now I own it, I love the dress just as much as I did back in 2009.

I know there are people out there who have waited a lot longer than me to obtain their dream dress. I just want to say to you all, please don't give up! Maybe some day you will get to experience the same feelings as me when I looked in the mirror and saw myself wearing Feathercross for the first time.


  1. Congrats on getting your dream dress :) I really love to hear stories like these...even though it eluded you for so long you finally found it *yay* Maybe some day I also will be as lucky as you ^^

    1. Thank you! Hopefully one day you be just as lucky! :D

  2. Congrats Luna! I have a big wishlist but I don't know if I value anything to be a dream dress yet. I hope one day something catches my eye!

    Can't wait to see a worn photo. ;)

    1. Thank you! I have a big wishlist too although only 3 of the remaining dresses are what I would consider dream dresses. I am hoping to buy one of the 3 at Christmas when I get my work bonus ;)

      I can't wait to wear it! :D

  3. Congratulations! I can only imagine how frustrating it must have been to have this dress evade you for so long, but now it's yours! Yay :)

    1. Thank you. It was mega frustrating! Although I think it made it more satisfying when I finally managed to get it...
