Thursday, 16 May 2013

Juicy BABY Love Love Berries by BABY

Today I am looking at a recent release from BABY. This series is called Juicy BABY Love Love Berries (possibly the most dodgy sounding print name to date). The series includes 2 dresses, a skirt, a mini hat, a head bow, a bag and 2 pairs of socks.

This is the Scalloped JSK. The bodice is a nice shape and looks reasonably well fitted. The straps are a very good width. They are lined with thin lace which doesn't add too much bulk, but at the same time makes the edges look more interesting. The waist bow is also a good size and doesn't look too big for the dress. It is a nice shape and sits well on the dress. It is also lined with lace, which matches up well with the use of lace used elsewhere on the dress. However, due to the style of print the waist bow does blend in a bit and doesn't really stand out. The lace used vertically up the bodice is pretty and again fits in well with the rest of the dress design. The bodice has a raised panel with a scalloped edge. I have in the past been a bit wary of using scalloping in this way, but I actually think it looks good on this dress. The scallops are nicely shaped and a good size. The panel is topped neatly with non-shiny ribbon and a cute bow. I am a bit surprised BABY decided to leaved this scalloped edge blank though, seeing as all the other edges of the dress at least have thin lace lining them. I suppose that may have looked too bulky though. The back has a small panel of shirring which is concealed very neatly with a ribbon corset. The ribbon used here is also dull, which I think looks a lot nicer than shiny ribbon. The skirt has a lovely rounded shape to it. It flares outwards quite a bit but without looking too OTT. The skirt is kept free of cluttering details, which is probably a good thing as they would probably blend in to the print anyway. The print is displayed beautifully. The bottom hem has a scalloped edge. The scallops are again nicely shaped and spaced out. Underneath the scallops is some wide lace, which gives the bottom a softer finish. I think it is important to have the lace there to stop the scalloped edge looking too harsh.

This is the Babydoll JSK. The bodice looks well fitted and is a nice shape. The neckline looks a bit low in some of the stock photos but I reckon that is due to the camera angle. The waist has a solid coloured ribbon belt. This dress uses the same dull ribbon as the other dress and I think this ribbon suits the dress well. The ribbon belt pulls in the waist area nicely and the cute ribbon bow stops the belt from looking too plain. The neckline is lined with some very pretty wide lace. It looks very soft and of good quality. The bases of the straps have a small ribbon bow. It is the same dull ribbon used and the bows are a nice shape. The size of the bows is good too. The straps are a little on the thin side but I don't think wider straps would suit this style of dress anyway. The back is fully shirred the whole way across, so it does look a bit exposed and open. But the style of print does help to make it look a tiny bit less messy. The skirt has a very subtle and demure shape to it. I do kind of like it like this though. I think it will hold a decent amount of petticoat and flare out nicely. The skirt details are kept quite simple and so the print is displayed beautifully. Near the bottom there is a line of the dull ribbon which blends in well with the print. The bottom is then gathered slightly, which is nice as it adds a bit of movement and make it look a bit less flat. The bottom hem is then finished off with some thin lace. I thought the style of lace was a little odd looking, but this is such a minor thing that I wouldn't let that put me off this dress.

And here we have the print close up. This print is available in ivory, pink, mint and black. All 4 colours work really well with the print but I think the best version in the pink. There are parts of the print which remind me of another BABY series called Chained Berry Memoir, like the swirly chocolate writing and the way the berries have been drawn. Then again, I think CBM was a good print, so I am not complaining! The berries do indeed look very juicy, like the pint title suggests. They look very pretty and i like the way they have been arranged in the print. The chocolate writing is a very pretty and clever way to include the brand name in the print without it looking too obvious. The bows at the bottom of the print are so detailed and look very pretty. I love the lace underneath the bows as it has been drawn so well. I don't think there is really anything in this print which I dislike.

So I think that if you can look past the silly name, this series has a lot of potential. There are a lot of berry prints out there, especially at this time of year, but I think BABY have done a good job with this one. Would I buy it? It is not going on my wishlist but I wouldn't mind owning it. I am a fan of strawberry prints after all! I would probably pick the Babydoll JSK in pink. The dress designs are strong and the print is very pretty too. Hopefully this will be a successful series. I still think the name is stupid though...

1 comment:

  1. Agree with the name thing.
    I think I like this series better than Freshly Picked Strawberries; the print seems better designed along with the dress designs suiting the dress. I think I have a weakness when I comes to baby doll dress designs. This is no exception!

    The maroon and pink just really do it for me. It's so sweet but not cavity causing... haha.
