Thursday, 11 April 2013

Sweet Cherry by Metamorphose

It's that time of year again when Meta release another fruit print. This time around it is cherries. The print is called Sweet Cherry. This series includes 5 dresses (one dress is available in 2 lengths), a skirt, socks, a blouse and 4 different hair accessories.

This is the OP. The bodice looks well fitted and is an interesting shape. I do wish the sleeves were a bit longer though as they look non-existent. The waist is belted and really adds a cute retro look to the dress. It also nips in the waist beautifully. I would be interested to see how it looked with a red belt though because as it is, you don't really see the belt that much. The lace has been kept thin, which really suits this dress. The buttons are spaced out well but are very dull and plain looking. The collar really adds to the retro look as well and looks really good. It is a nice shape, although I think it would be a bit nicer if it was a bit narrower. Because the collar goes right out to the shoulders it does emphasise them a bit and makes the area look wider. The back has a panel of shirring which is left open and exposed. It blends in very well on the black version but not so sure about the other 2 colours. The skirt has a lovely, full shape to it. It is not as OTT as previous Meta dresses but it still flares outwards a lot. It has a cute rounded shape. The skirt is kept free of clutter and so the print is displayed beautifully. The bottom hem is then finished off with some pretty lace.

This is the Ribbon Pinafore JSK. The bodice is very well fitted and a lovely shape. I really like the heart shaped neckline. The straps are a bit on the thin side, though it does give the dress a relaxed, casual feel which does suit it. I just wish they were a tiny bit thicker. The front has 3 satin bows on the front. The bows are cute and have a nice shape to them, although the ribbon is slightly shiny. The bows are spaced out nicely, but I do think the top one is obscured by the neckline bow and maybe one less satin bow would look better. The neckline bow is a bit big and the shape is simple, but it sits on the dress nicely. However, if you dislike the neckline bow, it is detachable and looks good without it too. The neckline has a thin ruffle which looks very cute and make the edge look less harsh. It also looks good when teamed with the skirt style. The back has a panel of shirring which is concealed neatly by a ribbon corset. The tiered skirt is very interesting. The tiers have a lot of volume to them and the way they are layered gives the skirt a lot of movement. It looks very frilly and girly and I like it. The border part of the print is used twice and makes the skirt look less plain. The print is definitely displayed better on the lower tier though as it is less gathered. Both tiers are finished off neatly with thin lace.

This is the Pinafore JSK, which comes in 2 lengths (the one in the picture is the mini length). The bodice looks like it fits well but I dislike the shape. The edges are very straight and harsh looking. It makes it look a bit boxy and I don't think it suits the dress. The waist has a small bow which is a nice shape, but blends in a great deal. The 2 lines of lace on the neckline are layered well and looks pretty but again, it ends very harshly with very straight lines. The lace is topped with a small satin ribbon bow which doesn't really add anything to the design. A detachable bow clip with a crochet cherry is included, but I don't think it will add very much. The straps are a bit too thin and plain for my liking. The back has a panel of shirring which has nothing covering it. It looks very open and exposed. The skirt has a pretty bell shape to it and I do like the way the silhouette looks in the photo. It will hold a decent amount of petticoat too. The print is displayed very well because there are no cluttering details on the skirt. The bottom hem is finished neatly with good quality lace. Overall though, I think this dress is very dull. Meta describe this as their more "adult" dress but I don't think that mature has to mean plain.

This is the Tiered Pinafore JSK. The bodice looks like it fits nicely and the shape is okay. Once again, the straps are thin and don't look like they offer a lot of support. Though the straps are lined with lace, so at least they are not as plain looking as some of the other dresses in this series. The bodice has a semicircle of lace which has been done quite neatly. However, I am not really a fan of how it looks and would have preferred it if it wasn't there. Inside the lace there are 3 small satin bows. They are a cute, but simple shape. I think the spacing could have been a bit better and in some photos the bows look like they have been placed on a bit wonky. The back has a panel of shirring which has been kept exposed. I thought the back of this dress looked a bit messier than the others. The skirt shape is a bit too triangular for me. It does have a decent amount of volume though and will hold lots of petticoat. The tier joins have been done well and don't look lumpy, so it doesn't affect the silhouette too much. The tier joins are covered neatly with lace and it is a nice finishing touch. I wouldn't have bothered with the 2 bows on the top tier though as there is enough detail there already. The print is not displayed that well due to all the gathering, which is a shame. The bottom hem is then finished off with pretty lace.

This is the Shirring Pinafore JSK. The bodice is completely shirred, which is great for size flexibility, but gives the bodice an unattractive lumpy appearance. I just don't like the way it looks at all. The waist has a belt made of satin ribbon. It helps to define the waist a bit. Whilst I think it is pretty, at the same time I think it looks a bit cheap. The bodice has small bows, which have lines of lace on either side. The lace is a bit pointless because it just blends in with the shirring anyway. It looks far too fussy. The bows are not much better because they don't really stand out that much. However, the bows are spaced out nicely and do look cute. I just don't think this is the right sort of detail for this dress. On this dress there are 2 sets of thin, plain straps. I would have preferred one set of slightly thicker straps. Just like the front, the back is fully shirred. It looks messy, but I suppose it at least matches the front? I am not a fan though. The skirt shape is a bit more subtle than some of the other dresses. I would have preferred a more traditional lolita shape. I also think it looks a bit bumpy at the bottom and the wearer would have to choose their petticoat carefully. Halfway down the skirt there is a line of lace which looks pretty and adds interest to the skirt. This line of lace is topped with 2 small bows. Again, I don't think they are really needed but I suppose it is a cute finishing touch. The print is displayed quite well. The bottom hem is finished off with a simple ruffle, which looks cute and stops the bottom looking plain.

And here we have the print. As we can see the print comes in mint, cream and black. I always think Meta's colour choices are very interesting for their fruit prints. The black and mint are quite standard choices but I think the cream colour is very interesting as I would have thought white would be a more obvious choice. But I do think that by only having 3 colours may limit its appeal a little bit. Meta have once again gone for a stripy background which is quirky, but we have seen done many times by Meta before. But the print itself is quite cute. The cherries look very juicy and succulent, as if you could reach out and actually touch them. I am also thrilled to see the inclusion of blueberries! The blueberries and raspberries work surprisingly well in the print and it is nice to see Meta using something other than strawberries. The daisies also look cute and are drawn well. The bow is a nice finishing touch and I like the detail on it. The only thing I dislike is the angry looking bee as I think such a cute print deserves a cuter looking bee!

I do think this is quite a pretty series. With a choice of 5 dresses, there is hopefully something to suit every taste. I think I like the OP best (which is quite rare for me) because I am liking the retro feel. I would probably go for the mint colour as it has a fresh feel to it. Would I buy it? Possibly, but not at full retail price. I am a fruit print fan and I do think this print is cute, but I don't think it will be going on my wishlist. I am happy to see some less common themes cropping up in the print though, so as far as fruit prints go, this is probably one of the better ones.

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