Monday, 25 February 2013

Ox Loli 2nd Anniversary Meet!

Another year has passed! In February the Oxfordshire Lolitas celebrate their anniversary. We have now been officially running for 2 years! I ended up co-hosting with Sammi. We only stepped up to host this a few weeks before, so there was a real rush to get everything together. By some miracle though, we managed to do it!

We brought back a load of stuff from last year's anniversary, and that included me making cookies for everybody. I intended to write everybody's names on the cookies but it turns out I suck at icing, so I stuck to writing "OX" again this year. There were also a load of these cookies that I couldn't fit in the tins, and I am getting a little sick after eating so many of them now!

I was so focused on planning that I sort of threw a classic outfit together in the end. About 10 minutes before I needed to leave the house I suddenly had a massive panic and decided I really hated my outfit... but obviously I had no time to get changed! I even got to wear my Lockshop wig (although you can't really see the roses on my wig in the photos) and apart from a pin digging a little too tightly, I can say it was generally a very positive experience. I really wanted to wear this lacy bolero I found in Camden but in hindsight, I think it added a bit of bulk and I forgot to put my tight black belt on. Also, I don't think the cutsew looks quite right underneath the lacy bolero. But that aside, I was generally happy! I got to wear the first ever brand skirt I brought and found the matching hair comb didn't look bad when placed on the wig. And I will always try and find a good reason to wear my Secret Shop crown shoes!

 After going bowling we went to a Chinese buffet in the afternoon. Probably not the best choice for me, seeing as I was a bit unwell, but it was still fun. Pictured is my dessert. The mango cake on the right was yummy but the "mousse" was a bit suspicious... It tasted very strange!

And by some miracle, I managed to win Best Classic! I was genuinely surprised by that result as I wasn't very confident about my outfit and I felt the other girls had put a lot of effort in. I ended up winning back some of the prizes that I had brought and I also got a pretty rose corsage that Sammi made.

I really love the corsage. Sammi made them so well and it is lovely to have something so pretty to remember the day.

And here is a small group shot of us all. As Raine pointed out, this is the very first time that Metamorphose has taken over Angelic Pretty as the most worn brand!

Back row- Naimh in AP, Shalisa in Bodyline, Louise in handmade, Raine in Meta, Amber in Meta and Rachel in AP.
Front row- Sammi in AP, me in Meta, Roxy in off-brand (?), and Nicola in Meta.

Although I was very exhausted by the end, I did enjoy this meet. I was relieved to hear people say that they enjoyed themselves too. There were definitely plenty of laughs and silliness going on!

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