Thursday, 14 February 2013

Fancy Bunny by Crown Label

Today I will be taking a look at Fancy Bunny by Crown Label. This series includes 4 dresses, 2 skirts, 2 blouses, a hoody, a head bow, a hat and 2 different hair comb designs.

Unfortunately, I am having troubles getting pictures of the OP, but I will still give my verdict on the other dresses.

This is the shirring pinafore JSK. The bodice looks like it will fit well, but with all the shirring it doesn't have the most attractive shape. It looks a bit bumpy. The waist bow is a bit on the big side. Also, the waist bow looks a bit droopy. It looks very sad and could do with being a bit smaller and stiffer. The straps are a decent width. They are lined with thin lace, so they don't look as boring and the edges are softened nicely. I like the 2 bows at the base of both the straps. They are a much better shape and the size is suitable for the area. In fact, the waist bow isn't really needed, as the strap bows could work well enough on their own.

The bodice has some tulle lace running up it. I don't think it looks that pretty. I think it is the overall shape of the tulle. There is also something about it that looks a bit fussy and messy. The bodice also has a line of cute heart shaped buttons. It probably would have looked better without the tulle both sides of the buttons. Overall, I think the bodice looks really untidy.

The back has even more shirring, so the dress is fully shirred the whole way around the dress. Whilst size flexibility is a good thing, I think the shirring here looks very casual and it's not the prettiest design. The skirt is very triangular in shape and could maybe do with being a bit rounder. It looks like it will hold a decent amount of petticoat though. The skirt is kept free of detail and so, the print is displayed very well. The bottom hem is then finished with some nice lace.

This is the halter neck pinafore JSK. It is hard to tell where the bodice ends and the skirt begins on this dress. It has such a peculiar shape. But the top part of the bodice does look well fitted. The straps are very interesting. They are outer set of straps are topped with a ruffle, which is a bit different from your usual standard straps. I don't like how it looks with the halter neck straps though, as it is a bit crowded. However, the halter neck straps are detachable. This dress comes with many detachable bow brooches which is a bonus, as it means you have more control over how you wear the dress. The smaller bows are very cute and have a nice sturdy shape to them. The bigger bow seen in the picture, attached to the neckline, also has a nice shape to it. I think it looks good placed on the neckline and sits nicely here. Or you could use it as an emergency head bow. The neckline is lined with lace, which gives it a softer appearance.

This dress also comes with a detachable bow with a pom pom attached to it. From the picture we can see that Meta suggests wearing it like a bunny tail. Whilst it is an interesting idea, I think it looks a bit silly! The back has a panel of shirring, which is well concealed by a ribbon corset.

The skirt shape is hideous though. Looking at the overall silhouette, the dress looks lumpy and bumpy. It's not flattering at all. The skirt starts too low. It seems to look worse when the skirt is fully puffed outwards. It's just awful. There is not a single thing I like about the dress shape and I would never wear it. The bottom hem is finished neatly with some okay lace.

This is the cross over back pinafore JSK. The bodice is an okay shape, although the material looks a bit baggy in places. The belt is a nice idea, but would probably look better on the actual waist, rather than being slightly dropped. Also, I would have liked the belt to be a solid colour. I think having the stripes in the print going in different directions looks a bit strange. But the buckle is very cute. The bows are again, detachable. I would probably space them out a bit wider apart than Meta have in the stock photos, as the lower part of the bodice looks a bit plain. The bows are a cute shape and very perky. I do also like the flexibility with them being detachable. The neckline is lined nicely with thin lace, which is not too distracting but gives a softer appearance. The straps are a nice width, but I am not sure the design really suits the dress. As the name suggests, the straps cross over at the back. The back has a panel of shirring, which has been left exposed with nothing covering it. It looks a bit messy and could have maybe done with ribbon covering it. The skirt is very short. It almost looks like a salopette. But despite being short, the skirt does have a nice shape to it, especially when compared to the other JSKs in this series. The skirt flares out well and the print is displayed beautifully. The bottom hem is then finished off with some nice lace.

And finally, the print close up. This print is available in pink, black, yellow and green. For me, the black and pink are the better colours for this print. The yellow is not the nicest shade and I am unsure the shade of green is a good match for this particular print. The print itself is quite cute, although it feels like some things have just been randomly chucked together. I don't quite understand what the bunny has to do with the rest of the print but it is cute. I love all the little cosmetics and the dresses in the background have been drawn well. However, as far as cosmetic prints go, this is not one of the best designs available. Other brands have done cosmetic prints better and even other Meta prints (such as perfume bottle) are more desirable than this one. I do like the stripy background with the tiny flowers though. Overall, this print is not for me.

So whilst this is a cute print, I don't think it is anything spectacular. The dress designs are a bit questionable. I just hope they look better when actually worn. I don't think I would buy from this series. It not my kind of thing at all. It's a shame, because Meta had been releasing some pretty awesome stuff lately. Let's hope we see more of these better Meta pieces soon!

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