Thursday, 1 November 2012

Creepy Jewellery Picks!

This post was meant to be published before Halloween, but it got pushed back. But I say better late than never!

I thought I would get in the spirit of all things spooky and pick out some of my favourite bits of creepy themed jewellery. I have nothing against cutesy bats or those eyeball clips, but I do feel like they get worn quite a lot. This may seem like a strange post from somebody who mainly wears sweet or classic, but here are my favourite pieces of dark jewellery that I have found recently.

I do love a bit of Stephen King. I have only read a few of his books so far, but The Shining is my favourite! I do like the movie version as well, which is where this necklace gets its inspiration from (in the book, Danny gets chased with a mallet and not an axe). One of the most iconic moments of the movie is when Jack takes an axe to the door and pokes his head through, shouting "Heeeeeere's Johnny!". For me this REDRUM necklace sums up the movie quite well. And although it is based on a movie, it is the sort of necklace that you can still wear with a normal creepy outfit.

If I were to add a bit of cuteness to Halloween, I would pick something like these Candy Corn earrings. As much as I love ghost, bat and spider themed jewellery, these are the sorts of themes that we see pretty frequently. I thought candy corn was a little bit different, but still hints at a Trick or Treat theme. Suitable for those who normally dress cute!

This time I am going a bit more gory. What I love about this necklace is the contrast between the pretty frame and the creepy looking heart. It is also interesting how the blood drips continue on to the silver frame. It looks like a heart being served on a beautiful dinner platter. I appreciate this wont be to everybody's tastes, but there is something a little bit dark and twisted about this necklace, and that is why I like it.

This is another nod to famous horror stories. This time I have chosen a raven themed cameo. It reminds me a lot of The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe. I think it is good just seeing the silhouette of the raven and the cameo frame is a nice touch. It is more of a subtle hint of horror rather than full-on creepiness. I think this is the sort of thing I would wear if I just wanted to try a bit of horror, but didn't want to go all out. This necklace is also probably a bit more versatile and wearable than the other items featured on this post.

And finally, I couldn't do this post without including a bit of Suppurate System! Whilst I am not a fan of the barbed wire style chord here (I think in this instance it cheapens the design a bit) I do love the test tube idea. Scientists are something we sometimes see in horror- just look at Frankenstein- and so it felt appropriate to include some scientist themed jewellery in this post. I like the roses trapped inside. Of course, they also have the typical horror colours of red and black as well. I think that when it comes to Japanese brands, Suppurate System does horror the best. If this is your sort of thing, then do look up the official website, but be prepared to part with quite a bit of money.

And so, those are my picks for adding a touch of gore. If anybody else has any good links to share, then feel free to comment.