Monday, 20 August 2012

August 2012 Ox Loli Meet- Swap Meet!

Yesterday was the August Ox Loli meet! It was very hot and humid, but I managed to drag myself out the house and in to the heat. We had another swap meet this time. I missed the one held last year, so it was great to go this time. 

After we had dinner, we decided to go to Christ Church to sit down and do our swapping. It was a really great way to spend a lazy Summer afternoon. The meet was quite casual, but I think it was better that way. I certainly enjoyed the chilled atmosphere. We had some very interesting chat including one which has totally changed my view of Totoro (look up 'dark totoro' theory on google!). Well, it didn't totally change my opinion of the film, but it was really interesting to see how different people interpret the story.

Whilst we were swapping our stuff, we could hear this random Asian style music coming from somewhere. We had no idea where from or why they were playing! It provided nice background noise. Eventually Niamh decided she wanted to find this guy. It turns out he had been playing to the cows. For the record, the cows really loved it! They were swishing their tails about a lot. People kept stopping to listen to him play. I don't know what the instrument is. It sounded like a flute, but it was a stringed instrument. I didn't get a good enough picture of the instrument itself.

We walked along the river for a bit and we found some deer! You probably can't see them very clearly in the photo but they are in the background. They are a little above the boat. They probably saw us coming and legged it!

That all too familiar bridge again! We have taken so many photos here. It is a really peaceful place. Left to right we have Rachel in Bodyline, Raine in AP, Niamh (I forgot where the yukata was from), Sammi in AP, Nicola in Bodyline, Roxy (who wore her awesome Holly Tea Time tights) and me in AP.

If you abandon your picnic it shall be stolen by geese!

Okay, I wouldn't call this proper twinning, but Sammi and I decided to both wear Sugar Hearts! My Sugar Hearts bag finally arrived this week, after a long, stressful transaction with a new seller (long story). I think Sammi looked better than me to be honest! I literally just shoved together items I thought matched it best whilst trying to balance the colours. I left everything to the last minute once again!

Here is my outfit. Please excuse my face. The heat was getting to me a little bit! I went for a fairly casual look due to the heat. I was meant to wear a wig but there was no way I was getting a sweaty head! I basically took my Sugar Hearts skirt, head bow, bracelet and bag but I opted for solid colour pink socks. I do own the SH socks in white but I felt that the socks would be too much white for this outfit. I am hoping to buy the pink or lavender socks very soon. I am wearing a pink blouse and purple shoes.

My accessories! The SH bracelet is quickly becoming a favourite of mine.

Chocomint necklace and a random purple bow clip. The bow is a hair accessory but I decided to pin it casually to my top.

Here is what I got from the swapping! I didn't bring a massive amount to be swapped as I was struggling to part with things. So I got rid of a few accessories and gained a cutsew and lots of bows. I have decided I want more cutsews! That is something to work on in the future.

Well, I definitely had a great day! I am really happy with the new items I have gained and I also enjoyed seeing some of the Oxford group again. And after some very unpredictable weather, it made a nice change to not have to be prepared for every eventuality!


  1. the meet up seemed really nice :D and the photos was great :D

  2. I love your outfit! Along with the other girls too :) The geese! I had a good laugh at that.

    1. Thank you! <3 The geese around there are always really funny! XD They have no fear of humans at all.

  3. Judging by the neck of the instrument in your photo, it could be an erhu that he's playing =)

    1. Oh, that is interesting! My husband and I did try to look it up afterwards and we thought it was part of the hu family of instruments too. We just weren't sure which one.
