Friday, 3 August 2012

50 Shades of Beige... and White... and Off-white...

Sorry everybody, I am afraid I am going in to rant-mode today...

I am struggling to put an outfit together at the moment. Why? Because every single colour in the rainbow has so many different shades! It is only since I started wearing lolita that I realised that even white has many different shades! I suppose it is easy enough to get around if you buy items from the same series, because they are almost guaranteed to match. But what if you decide to not buy the whole matching series?

I have discovered that What makes it more difficult is that a lot of the stuff I tend to want is online, so I can't just view it in store. This means that I end up relying very heavily on guess work. Will the colour be the same shade as the stock photo? Chances are, you wont know until you order them or see a review online.

This is something I have previously fallen victim to. The best example would be these tea parties I ordered. They were labelled navy on Clobba and the stock photo looked darker. In reality, they are the colour of AP's blue Starry Night Theater! Don't get me wrong, I still really love these shoes and I opted to keep them, but it just goes to show you how careful you need to be. It is a good job I like that shade of blue anyway, otherwise I would have a pair of tea parties I couldn't wear.

It is just so frustrating! Tomorrow I have the task of taking a bag, a blouse and pair of bloomers with me when I go shopping, just in case I spot any potential items when I am out!

I wonder... how do people get past this issue? Do people settle for a similar, but not identical shade of a colour? Or is there a way to get over this problem? I wish I knew the answer.

P.S- If anybody knows the original source of the boots in the first picture, then I would love to know it! They came up when I searched for Victorian shoes on Google but I have not had much luck so far.


  1. Just wanted to add my two cents in - I find IW the worst for poor colors...nothing looks the same hue as on the site as in real life.

    I was lucky enough though to get an Ivory blouse that was very close to the ivory in honey cake! but most times you don't know what color you will actually get.

    My friend recently got IW bambi, she selected cafe au lait, which online looks beige/ivory but in real life its actually a really milky coffee color...

    1. It is so frustrating! I don't have much experience with IW but I would be really annoy me if I got a colour that was really different to what I was expecting :/ That is great about your blouse though!

  2. I've found the white ones on Amazon:

    1. Oh wow! Thank you so much for the link! I have saved that in my bookmarks :)

  3. I tend to not think to hard about if my whites or colors match perfectly. I actually think different shades of white look cute together, it gives your outfit a soft mori-esque feel. I don't wear that many bright colors either ^^ I wear mostly pastels and beige and I think that they all look nice together. Also I just ordered something from IW and I thought the colors looked fine, then again it was black.

    1. Yeah, I know what you mean. At the moment, this outfit I am planning has lots of shades which are very similar, but I am concerned about my tights because they don't blend in as much! It is all slowly coming together though.

      Hopefully your black IW items will be fine! I think it is a bit hard to go wrong with black anyway.
