Monday, 9 July 2012

The Alice Day That Never Was :(

As you may have gathered, I was unable to attend this year's Alice Day meet. I was unwell and the last thing I felt like doing was walking about in the wet weather! So after declining the event, I decided to put my Alice Day outfit on anyway, just to wear around the house. Seeing as I had gone to the effort of making an outfit, I felt it would have been a shame not to wear it.

I was meant to be a Playing Card! I would have worn Starry Night Theatre, but I knew Louise was wearing it and Beau wore Wonder Cookie last year. So I didn't want it to look like I was just being lazy and copying somebody! I just want to say, that I am NOT happy with how my outfit turned out. To be honest, I didn't really put much effort in to it and I think it is really missing something. It is my own fault though, because I didn't leave myself much time to plan my outfit and I had already ruled out 2 potential dresses. Next year, I intend to plan things a bit more in advance and take my time. It has been a bit difficult lately because I am now self-employed and I have had more stuff to pack in. So yeah, the idea was that the 2 hearts on the blouse represented the playing card (it probably would have looked better if I had made it look more playing card-like). I had some playing cards attached to my skirt and perhaps I could have pinned a load on to make it look like a floating playing card print (only, in 3D!). 

I made 2 more playing card bows and attached them to my shoes. They could have been done a lot neater. I was wearing the same socks as last year. If you look up Alice Day, there are actually pictures of my socks everywhere! They were even used to advertise the event on Facebook. There was also a full picture of me used on a few websites as well.

The colour scheme was red, black and white and a few hints of gold with my jewellery and card bow (attached to my head bow).

I spent ages on these nails! Writing the 'A's was really difficult. I definitely need a bit more practise writing letters. In the end, I had to use a cocktail stick in addition to my nail art pen because the cocktail stick was thinner. The hearts are stickers. I decided to save time by making some my own nail art stickers. This gave me more time to concentrate on the trickier part. I am hoping to improve as time goes on.

So I was a little disappointed at not going to Alice Day but my outfit was not exactly spectacular! It was just a shame I didn't get to go and do some of the activities. There were some really fun sounding ones this year. I hope I am able to attend next year. Hopefully I wont be ill next time!


  1. Aw I hope you are feeling a little better now? I had to miss a meet to this weekend because I was poorly :(

    I think it is a really lovely outfit, I love how creative you are in your coords. :) I'd really like to practice my nail art too.

    Florrie x

    1. Yeah, I am slowly recovering, thanks! Oh no, sorry to hear you were poorly as well. :( I hope you are feeling better.

      Thank you! I think the outfit could have been better if I had put some more time in to it, but I am glad you like it! Maybe I am just being too harsh on myself.

  2. I love you do DIY stuff to your outfits and they always look so nice and unique. ._.

  3. It's a shame you couldn't make the meet, I couldn't either :( Pride took priority this year, it'll be Alice Day's turn next year. Would you mind me giving my two cents on the outfit?

    1. I can't wait for next year's Alice Day! Sure, go ahead :)

    2. I think all the black of the skirt in the middle is interrupting it somewhat and that's what seems off about it, if it had some white or red detail, it'd probably work a lot better. It might be cute to decorate it with a few heart-shaped red buttons or pins?

    3. Ah, so you think so too! I had been wondering about the black. Thanks for the suggestions. I will bear this in mind next time :D
