Friday, 9 March 2012

Innocent World Vs. Replicas

Just a quick note before today's post- from now on, all comments on this blog will be screened. This is after I discovered a few sneaky spam comments. Quite frankly, I should have done this sooner! Please be patient as I verify and publish your comments.

Please note I am not against replicas. The reason I am writing this post today is because I was very interested by a post made on EGL-

It would appear that Innocent World are voicing their opinions on replicas. If you think about it, there are not really that many IW replicas about. However, as it has been pointed out on EGL, Innocent World have every right to voice their opinions. Although it might not change much (people will still buy replicas and some people will always be against them), all IW are doing is trying to is defend themselves.

I have to be honest... if there was a Lotta replica made then it would be very difficult to resist it, especially when you consider how hard Lotta is to get hold of. I can't help but wonder what IW means when they say they will punish customers who buy IW replicas with the knowledge it is fake. If you walk in to Innocent World's shop and you were wearing a replica, would you be banned from the store? (Although I think that even if you don't mind replicas, walking in to their shop like that would be very rude anyway!) Will replica makers be targeted?

This small statement by IW might not seem like it will change much, but it could easily start something off if other brands decide to join in as well. It is a bit naive to think that because some brands sell out of everything anyway, that means they are happy to let replicas exist. If other brands see that Innocent World have made this statement, they may feel more comfortable and confident about addressing the matter. And that could change the current replica situation. It feels like as soon as a new print comes out, immediately somebody will ask for a replica to be made. Will that be so easy when the replica makers are being targeted? So don't think that it is just Innocent World replicas that this affects.

What do I think? Regardless of my stance on replicas, I know Innocent World's statement is very true and well done to them for standing up against something that could threaten their company. At the end of the day, they are a business and their view is not at all surprising. If I was in their position I would probably be upset about my art being stolen too. However, at the same time I can sympathise with replica buyers who are unable to buy brand. I might have been interested by a Lotta replica, but IW's words have admittedly scared me!

What initially seems like a small statement could progress further. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for any news. Up until now, the big brands have kept fairly quiet so this is certainly an interesting development!


  1. I am against replicas as I would never allow my stuff to be copied by others for a much lower price. But it's hard for the lot of us to say that because if we do shop for brand items, it's usually 200$+. I'm not saying I condone buying replicas but unless a brand piece is second hand and somewhat decently priced, I probably won't be looking to buy it at least not right away. Though I am glad that companies are standing up to the people making the replicas.

    ~ Kieli ~

    1. Yeah, I am really happy for IW. My only hope is that these companies attack the replica makers instead of the wearers, because I do understand why people are tempted by them. If people are offered such good prices, custom sizes and a wider availability then it is understandable that some will grab the opportunity. I do think this replica culture has gone too far though. There appears to be a replica for every single AP print going!

    2. I agree! We can only spend so much. And I understand making these clothes takes a lot of time and materials but if they have more variety and decent prices like you said, then they could sell a lot more.

      ~ Kieli ~

  2. I agree that IW has a right to voice their opinion on this matter since it affects them. They are, as you said, a business and replicas could hurt their profits. On the other hand, there will always be lolitas that prefer brand quality and will wait for the real deal than buy a second-best replica. Overall, I don't think their sales will be that affected and not everything they have is replicated (unlike AP, which sees a lot more replicas). The big issue is the stealing of prints which is pretty unfair for the IW designers. I think that is what is really bothers a lot of people.

    I also agree that they shouldn't attack replica wearers. We are consumers, we decide what to buy but other than that, we don't have the most power in the fashion. If someone really wants a Lotta dress which is rare and they have waited but can't get one, them buying a replica seems justified. Replicas also have the option of coming in custom sizing which benefits Western Lolitas (or Asian lolitas) that don't have the same build as some Japanese girls. If IW is upset with replicas, they need to crack down on the ones that make them. Blaming the buyer is not going to earn them good business.

    1. Exactly. I would like to think that as somebody who likes brand designs, I would always try my hardest to get the original. If for some reason, something was really difficult to get hold of then replicas do sound more tempting. I know some people simply like the cheaper prices, but I think for a lot of people it is about wider accessibility.
