Monday, 13 February 2012

A Very Tough Day To Be A Lolita

I wasn't going to write about this but... it feels like this is an issue close to many a lolita's heart. I am of course, referring to upcoming documentary "Are All Men Pedophiles?"; a documentary which features a section about Japanese culture.

One of the things that has caused a lot of upset is that one of the posters features a lolita (or a model wearing lolita) wearing Angelic Pretty.

Although the documentary is apparently going to tackle both sides of the pedophilia debate, I can't help but feel this documentary could have negative consequences on the lolita community.

I find it difficult to put in to words how annoyed I am by this documentary. I feel the comments left on this online petition sum up my feelings really well-

Director Jan Willem Breure does not seem concerned about this upset this is causing. After being emailed, this was the response one girl got-

"The documentary does not offend Lolita nor does it compare it to pedophilia. Wild assumptions about what pedophilia is or isn't is why the documentary was made in the first place. The reason why we choose Lolita is because in the film we do a section about Japanese culture."

Well, I disagree. I know there are many lolitas who ARE offended by this documentary. And although it may not "compare it to pedophilia", to include lolita in such a documentary is harmful. Do we really want to be associated with this? 

There is probably not a lot we can do but if you feel strongly about this, then please do sign the petition in the link above. Voice your complaints as loud as possible and maybe people will realise that not everybody agrees with the director.

I am sorry if people disagree with me or this post. It just pains me that people might make assumptions after watching it. Yes, I am aware I may be being hypocritical by making this post before seeing the doc, but I reserve the right to voice my concern. I am just hoping this all blows over.


  1. I completely agree with you. You are being no more hypocritical than the average joe on the street who would make their own assumptions by seeing this poster, if you see my meaning. I believe that it may be harmful to the Lolita community and although I am not an active member of that community I do like to occasionally dress Lolita. Will people begin to think that I am trying to ensnare a pedophile if I dress in this way? The most harm will be from the people who see this poster and do not watch the doc I would expect. It is misleading and completely wrong. I will certainly be signing this petition. The title of the doc is also in very poor taste. I hope it blows over too, but you have no reason to feel hypocritical. Voice your concerns as freely as you wish as I shall be doing. With enough support hopefully they will see how much of a mistake they may be making.

  2. Also I hope you do not mind but I have posted a link in my blog post to your post as your explanation and information is better than I could ever write. :-)

    1. Thank you for your very kind words! I find this documentary very concerning. I have nothing against lolita being in the media, but I think this is very distasteful. I can't help but wonder just how much research the director did in to the actual fashion...

      I don't mind you linking to my post at all! I had a hard time writing this post but I am glad the message is getting out there.

  3. The main movie poster upset me as well. And the trailer made me even more upset. I don't really have Loli friends offline, not as much as I do online so I always have to refer to it as Loli rather than Lolita because all they know is the book. I really wish people would be more open about this and accept that there is not just one definition of Lolita. And just because the girls dress this way does not make them want to have older men or men in general think they are into kinky stuff. Thank you for posting this. I hope the makers of this documentary will reconsider what they're doing and apologize.

    ~ Kieli ~

    1. I do know some of my friends prefer saying Loli or Harajuku fashion instead of lolita. I highly doubt we will get an apology, but at least we can sign the petition and spread the message online that we don't all agree with this documentary.

    2. Exactly! Let's fight back!

      ~ Kieli ~
