Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Lolita comes to the Victoria and Albert in London!

Yesterday I was very surprised to find out that there is going to be an exhibition about lolita fashion in the Victoria and Albert Museum! It has just sort of appeared out of the blue, and I think there are many UK lolitas who were pleasantly surprised by the news.

Kitty and the Bulldog: Lolita Fashion and the Influence of Britain will run between April the 23rd and October the 14th. That gives plenty of time for people to go and visit. There is also going to be a lolita meet held there in May (which I should be going to, so if you are coming I will see you there!).

Details can be found here-

It is part of the British Design Season and will be held in room 45.

Obviously, the V and A is a beautiful museum anyway, so it would be interesting to visit other stuff which is on display.

I find it interesting that this display has come up and at this time. Is this a sign that lolita fashion is growing even further in the UK? Will the museum "get it right" or will it be some strange version of lolita that is not really relevant? (Which could be a little embarrassing!) Either way, Hyper Japan was recently mentioned in a newspaper article and it is hard to ignore the growing number of new UK lolitas.

I have a good feeling about this exhibit. I am not suggesting lolita will become mainstream (and I wouldn't want it to become mainstream) but maybe, just maybe, the fashion is starting to get a bit of recognition here.


  1. Ooooooh time to plan a road trip :D

    1. Definitely! There is no way I am missing this! At least there is plenty of time :D
