Friday, 13 January 2012

An interesting take on the headdress

I decided to take a look at the Innocent World sale going on (do check out the website. If I wasn't saving for Hyper Japan, I would snap up Felicia Crown in an instant!) and I saw the new Elisabeth Rose series.

What caught my attention was not the dresses, but the head bow. Well, the website calls it a head bow, but in the worn picture I think it looks more like a headdress!

This is the Rose Ribbon Oval Head Bow. As you can see, it is not your standard head bow. Although this item is attached to a hair band, I can't help but feel it looks a little like a rectangular headdress. Rectangle headdresses are not considered that fashionable anymore, but I love this oval take on the idea. It looks like a more modern and fresh take on an older design. And I think it looks very beautiful! I love the use of 3D roses.

Although the blue looks beautiful, I think my favourite is the beige/pink colour. The dusky pink has a slight peachy hue to it.

I just wanted to share this piece today because I found it inspiring. I think if lolitas fall out of love with an idea, we should try and find a new way of wearing items or trying out something slightly different, with a few subtle changes. It is good to recycle!


  1. I actually really love this headband/headdress ♥ I looked at the sales too and started crying a bit on the inside. Since I have to save for some up coming trips to England and (maybe Japan), I really can't spend it all away on lolita right now. >__<;; Felicia Crown is gorgeous though, but Grazia is one of my favorites and I hope to get it one day (@^__^)*!

  2. I just think the bow is very pretty! The design is interesting. I love both Grazia and Felicia Crown. I really want to get a crown themed print and I think IW have the best designs. I feel so sad knowing I can't buy the Felicia JSK!

  3. Oh wow I never seen anything like these before! They're so pretty and can dress up any coord/hairstyle! I definitely need to find a way to make these :3 Thanks for sharing~

    ~ Kieli ~

  4. I would love to be able to make one too. I don't think I would be very good at it though! XD

  5. @Luna - How about this, if I can master it, you can have one of the first ones? ;)

    ~ Kieli ~

  6. Aww! That would be wonderful Kieli_Heart!
