Friday, 9 September 2011

Cute storage inspiration

I am in a very good mood today. Hopefully, I shall be getting a proper wardrobe soon! For ages I have been making do with a clothes rail which was fine before I got in to lolita, but it is now too impractical. The rail was not very secure and because of how open it is, there is always a risk that my clothes will be exposed to moisture. A few days ago my husband James and I moved a load of furniture around in an attempt to maximise the storage possibilities.

In anticipation of my new wardrobe, I have been looking in to the best way to make the most of the space both in and outside the wardrobe.

Underneath all of my hanging clothes, I currently have a large cardboard box which is mainly filled with my various bags. I only recently discovered that handbag storage, like in the picture above, existed. The picture shows a version which hangs over the door but you can get smaller ones that hang in wardrobes. You can get a simple one with hooks or you can get one with clear plastic pockets.

I also have tins like this jammy ring one I picked up on my birthday. I found this in Marks and Spencers (a posh food and clothes shop to those of you outside the UK who don't know what I am on about). I have been back to that store since in the hope of picking up another tin, but they were gone! Although I did enjoy the lovely biscuits inside, I was more excited about having some new biscuit shaped storage.

It is also a good idea to make sure my new storage is not too bulky. I like this hair accessory storage idea because it is flat. Although the storage is small, this person has managed to fit a lot of accessories on it. It also means that all the hair accessories are on display and it is easier to find the item you want.

I am including this picture simply because I think the smiley boxes are cute!

I like the idea of stacking some small cases on top of each other. These ones are by Chocomint but they are sold out. However, cases like these are fairly easy to find. It is worth having a look around whilst going shopping because you can find items like these in the strangest of places.

I was alerted to this cute storage by a friend of mine. I have forgotten the original source of this photo, so I am sorry for not crediting the owner! It appears that the person has taken a simple box and then decorated it with cute trims and beads. I like this box because the box matches the cute items inside. If I had a box like this, then I would probably know instantly what is inside.

This is a mini shelf from Swimmer. I believe it is about 25cm tall so I could easily place this somewhere. It is nice and simple, so you could store whatever small bits you like inside.

Finally, I feel it is worth mentioning Violet LeBeaux here (I adore her site!). Violet is simply amazing. I love how she takes simple items and makes loads of cute (and cheap) items. Her site has a tutorial section which happens to include homewares. Do check it out here-


  1. Sure, storage soon becomes a problem with the small properties over here and as you say lolita really doesn't lend itself to being slotted on a rail.
    I liked that picture of the small cute box and that would be great for small accessories.

    Regards Caroline

  2. Those smiley boxes would scare the crap out of me if I came home drunk...THEY'RE GONNA EAT ME!

  3. I am using this as an excuse to buy lots of cute things :D

    Alexandriaweb- I hadn't thought of that! I would have to place them carefully if I ever got them!

  4. I defintely need one of those handbbag hangers....or maybe something for my is something you never think about until you suddently reaslize "Oh noes!! I have no room!!"

  5. I never have enough room so I am always looking for new ways to store things! I think the handbag hanger was a good find. It wouldn't be too hard to make one either :)
