Thursday, 24 February 2011

Luna on Youtube!

I just wanted to let you all know I am now on Youtube. This is mainly because Photobucket was taking forever to upload a video yesterday! Anyway, if all goes well I may start doing some video blogs on Youtube so keep an eye out. My user name is LunaRainLolita

At the moment the only video is the one I did for where I answered questions asked by members. MAF have changed a few things so the Show and Tell thread has been made private. If you are not a member of MAF then you can view the video by going to my youtube channel or go here-

Just so you know my voice does not really sound like that! I thought I sounded horrible but my husband assures me it is just the recording. My face is a bit dark because the lighting in our living room is dreadful. Anyway, if you have always wanted to know what prints I want to see made or what my favourite flower is, now is your chance to find out!


  1. Yay, I love when people make videos :)
    You seem like such a lovely person! It'd be great to meet you.
    It's always interesting to hear about people's interests beyond the frills (though your outfit looked really nice!) I love the fact you're into Pokemon cards. I still play Pokemon Yellow for Game Boy Color ;)

  2. Thank you! It was a lot of fun making the video. And I can't wait for my Pokemon Black to arrive. Just over a week to go!
