Monday, 31 January 2011

Another Oxford Lolita Meet

I attended another lolita meet in Oxford on Saturday. Happy days!

This time the group was quite a bit bigger which is great. I would love to see our little Oxford group become more established and hopefully in the future we will have even more people turning up. All of the girls are so lovely and friendly.

After a trip to Yo! Sushi for lunch we randomly wondered about looking for an ideal spot to take some photographs. We ended up by this gate-

Here I am in the Meta lucky pack dress! This is my favourite photograph of myself so mega kudos to whoever took it. The detachable bow had a weird back to it so I decided to pin it on to another plain black bow I had. The black bow was just a simple one from Claire's.

Blouse- GLP
Rose bracelet- New Look
Cake Ring (not shown)- Unknown

I also wore my Bodyline coat. I took off the fake fur because it was too cutesy for my outfit.

Tights- New Look
Shoes- Demonia

And here is a lovely group shot of us.

Back row- Me, Beau and Sammi twinning in Bodyline, Raine (can't remember which brand), Nicola in Bodyline and her handmade bonnet, Naomi in Meta
Front row- Michelle in Angelic Pretty and Jenni in Moi Meme Moitie

And another shot of me. It is not very often I like pictures of myself so I am mega pleased with how a lot of these turned out.

There was also a church nearby so we took some photos inside. We tried to be respectful of the other people in the church. In the end a lot of people were taking photos of us as we stood upstairs looking down at all the camera flashes.

Sadly a lot of the church ones on my camera turned out blurry. But thank you to Gabe for taking these anyway. I blame my camera!

Then we went from cafe to cafe trying to find somewhere to sit down. After walking around in circles for ages we eventually settled on a cafe called Morton's. I had a lovely pink cupcake which was lightly scented with strawberry and had a marshmallow on the top.

I absolutely love spending time with this group of people and I think everybody looked amazing!

Here is a link to my photobucket album so you can see all the photos I took on the day-


  1. I love that gate, and your coat. Sounds like the meet was fun. ^^

  2. We were walking around not really knowing where to go and we found this gate! It was a lot of fun. We are trying to make it a more regular thing :D
