Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Meta's Melody Poodle

Before I start reviewing the latest Meta print I thought I would mention an event they are holding today. There is a special sale going on for Honey Picnic exclusively on the English website. I was undecided about Honey Picnic. I didn't find anything that I dislike about it but it was hardly on my wish list either. However, the 10000 yen price is very tempting. That is less than £100 and is very cheap. If this sale is not successful I can't help but wonder if I will be getting Honey Picnic in the lucky pack I intend to buy. Or are Meta doing this special sale instead of lucky packs? (I hope not. I passed on a skirt I wanted because I have been saving for a lucky pack)

Anyway! Back on to today's post! Metamorphose have a new set up for reserve called Melody Poodle so I am reviewing the dresses.

This is the High Waisted Pinafore dress. The problem is that with such a busy print, you can't really see all the bows and details this dress has at first. I thought at first it was just because I am using the black colourway picture but I have seen the pink version as well and although it looks a little better, I found I was having the same problem. Metamorphose have included the original dress sketch and judging by this sketch, this dress probably looks better when you see it in person. I dislike the use of lace on the shoulder straps because it is a bit too much. This dress has a lot of bows on it but a majority of the bows are small and they blend in so it doesn't detract attention away from the print. the scalloping at the bottom also looks pretty. Personally, I don't think the black version does this dress design justice. If I was going to pick black for this set, I would try one of the other dresses.

It was this second dress that grabbed my attention. This time the picture shows the Salmon Cream colour (interesting colour name there!) and I think it goes brilliantly with the brown parts. This dress looks a bit more classic than the other two dresses. I would even wear this dress outside of lolita. Sadly, it was not meant to be... the waist is slightly too small for me >.<>

And the last dress is the tiered pinafore dress. I think this design works better than the other pinafore dress but why are there two sets of straps? I would prefer one pair of wider straps instead of two sets of thin straps. This dress also has less bows (not that you can see them here...). Although there are less bows these ones are bigger. Given the choice, I think I would rather have less bows even if they are bigger. I dislike how every tier has a line of ruffle on it. It looks fine on the back but I can't help wondering how it will look on the pink and Salmon Cream.

And here is a print close-up. It is a very busy print and there is a lot going on. I don't usually like poodles but the ones on this print look fine. I like the use of roses and bows and I think the chair is appealing. My favourite part is the butterflies. I didn't even notice them at first glance. I don't really understand what butterflies have to do with the theme but I am glad they got included. I think the print works best in the Salmon Cream colour and the worst with the black. The colours make a huge difference with this print. The Salmon Cream looks classic and the pink looks more sweet.

My opinion on this series is a bit divided. It is all down to the details Meta have used. Given the choice I would pick the third dress or the second dress if I could remove the tulle. I would choose the recent chess print Meta did over this print but if I got this print I would still be happy.


  1. I love the second dress design but the print is just god awful in my opinion ;A;

  2. I like the cream from a distance, but up close that print is so ugly lol.

  3. I don't like the print myself but I didn't think it was that bad!
