Monday, 9 August 2010

Little Bear's Cafe by Angelic Pretty

Here we have yet another print featuring teddy bears! Teddy bears must be very popular right now. This is the latest from Angelic Pretty (image from Japanese Angelic Pretty site). Sadly, this appears to be the only image currently available. The print features the bear and the squirrel featured in the corners of the picture. You will have to excuse my review because I am currently squinting at the picture on the site trying to make out the details for you. So what I am writing may be inaccurate.

I used to hate the colour brown in lolita but I think the colour has been used rather well. In fact, it was another Angelic Pretty print (Melty Chocolate) that convinced me to give brown a chance. However, if you are not a fan of brown then the Onepiece (top row of dresses on left) is a good choice and the print headbow (hidden at top of page) would probably match this dress the best. I personally love the brown ribbon corset detail on the Jumperskirt (top row of dresses in middle). I do not think the JSK on the right of the same row is as pretty. The straps appear to be made with shiny material. In fact, all 3 of the dresses in this row have shiny waist ribbons. The other issue I have here is the edging on the bottom of the dresses. It appears to have lots of mini balls. Whether this looks better in real life (I only have this image on the site to go on) I don't know. If I had to choose I would say the white edging looks better because it is less obvious. The final JSK (next row down, second from right) has an odd shape to it. It appears a little shapeless and lumpy. I also feel that with this style of pattern, a defined waist looks better. This pattern has a lot of horizontal features so I would want a defined waist because it could make you appear bigger than you actually are.

I think the pattern is shown off best on the black skirt although we have more of the edging with the small balls. On the black skirt the print pops out. As for the pink skirt, I think it is too short and adding a layer of ruffles at the bottom to the small balls is not helping.

The print used is very cute. I think the teddies are cuter than the ones featured on Honey Picnic by Metamorphose. The teddy sat down eating a cookie is adorable! I am a fan of the curious looking squirrel although in this picture I can't see where it is featured on the dress. This is why I think that black is the best option- the biscuits are all a similar colour and you can see all the different features the best on the black.

This is not a set that I would choose to buy a piece from. It is a shame because I think Angelic Pretty have the skills to show off this print to its full potential. I feel that some pieces here could be a lot better.

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