Monday, 12 July 2010

Chasing Rabbits- Alice Day

At some point I am going to do a massive post about Oxford and all the great places you can visit. But today I am going to talk about Alice Day!

Alice Day is an event that is apparently held every year (I have lived in Oxfordshire all my life and have only just heard of it!) in the city of Oxford. It is basically a celebration of all things Alice in Wonderland and the museums hold little displays and performances.

Sadly, I was not dressed in lolita! I was feeling a bit unwell and so I was not really in the mood. My friends are going to get a shock next Saturday- I have decided that I will wear the full Alice co-ordinate then instead!

After a disappointing visit to the Ashmolean Museum (There was nothing really there!) my husband and I headed to the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. Whilst there we managed to catch some story telling and an Alice trail inside the actual museum, which is where I found this cute little rabbit! We had a look around the Museum and also the Pit Rivers Museum which is hidden away at the back and includes a lot of interesting artefacts. I also got this Alice bookmark-

It is made of gold and I am so sorry about the quality of this photo but even with the flash turned off it was too blurry. I can assure you all that it is very cute! Then we headed outside for a performance by the Curious Company. It was entitled Tea Party Cabaret-

I love the table! And Alice's dress was more amazing close-up. There will be some videos of this performance so if you are friends with me on Facebook you can see them there. Unfortunately I seem to be having problems uploading them here *grumbles*

Afterwards we went to get some picnic food and went to the botanical gardens where we enjoyed a game of hunt the snark. There was a band playing and we had a lot of mad characters interrupting our picnic. It was a performance by the Mad Dog Theatre company (the name is very appropriate) and I loved every second of it.

Sadly we did not get back to the town centre in time to see the Curious Company perform as the Red Queen and the Playing Card Sentries. I am sure it was just as fun as their earlier performances. We did however, manage a visit to the Alice shop. It has a lot of the Alice books, tea sets (I really wanted one!), amazing chess sets (insanely expensive!) and little bits and pieces. When we went inside it was very crowded and we could barely move. I purchased a little shopping bag with a lovely print. Visit for more information.

We went home early evening time feeling absolutely exhausted. As I mentioned, this event is apparently held every year and it is a fantastic opportunity for a good lolita meet-up. Oxford has a lot of lolita friendly shops and you can get a more detailed report some time in the future (I have written a long list of posts I need to do, so I can't say when this will be!).

I am definitely going to Alice Day next year!


  1. I bet that was nice. I've been to the Rabbits Hole in Llandudno, Wales a few times which has exhibits on Lewis Carroll.

  2. The great thing is that it is not all aimed at children. It is a real shame I am having trouble uploading videos right now :( I may attempt to upload them again sometime.
